chapter 1

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Hi ..

I introduce my family..

Alexander philips was my dad. He is a brave person. A dad of two (me and my lil sister). He is working in hotel management in human resources department.

Kimberly rose was my mom. She is a teacher in kindergarten of taska flora. She is such a loving mother and our favorite warmnest.

Rebiyana alexander was my little sister. She is 10year old. A strong and sport baby. She is a runner and good in sains subject.

Rebynda alexander was me. A 14year old sister. A strong mind set and close with my moms. A sport person which in pingpong. In school I don have any favorite subject well I study all of them.

We live at taman house. Not a big house but people always said I'm a rich person but actually I cames from ordinary family. They work to get what they want. My dad is a strict person , my mom is a loving person. Pasal study drg tidala strict asal lulus dan Tida skip class. Kadang mama tekankan juga jngn dpt result yg terlampau rendah Tida bagus even selalu join competition ping pong make sure balance dengan study. We called my sister Dede. And my fams call me cici.

I do had to say that my family are no longer staying like this. They change after .... Stay tune for the next chap. Hit the vote button to support me. Thankyou so much for choose this story and vote 🥺🙏.

Ps/ cerita ini Hanya rekaan semata-mata tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup dan yang mati. 100% imagination dan semua nma tempat diubah. Easy to undeerstand , all the place name that I mentioned in the story is fake.

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