chap 6

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FAST FORWARD MONDAY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

After bck from sch I directly follow clara back her house supaya senng satu kali get ready for night prom.


We order food from foodpanda. Kami order two spaghetti bolognese and chocolate cookies our fv drink. Side food kmi order cheesy wedges and small size pizza. Kami eat sambil reading book. I realized apa yg ngam betul dengan peragai kami dua is sometimes we want to talk like there is no tomorrow but smt we just want to spend time tgt without saying anything. Bukn moody just like enjoying the time with food and book. Sekali done eat baru kami tefikir pasal shoes. Our fuckin shoes teda kami tfikir. Nasib ja clara bnyk heels. Since our dress is black so we choose white punya heels.

Night prom started at 630PM.

4PM kami start mandi and make up. I learn a lot sama clara pasal skin care and make up. She asked me to use skincare dlu supaya muka nda break out and so many la. She only asked me to choose eyeshadow. Kerja sy pilih ja dia bagi pilihan and I will choose.

520PM kami siap sdh make up and hairdo. But before kami pakai lipstick kami mkn pizza kami yg small size tadi sbb tkut lapar sebb tidatau jam brpa baru start mkn sana. Tinggal pakai baju and ngam2 jam6PM grab kami sampai. On our way to go sch incoming call from wallace

Lace' hello pretty where u both rn?

Cla' hello on our way alrdy its near alrdy hehehe

Laca' alright me and adrian arrived alrdy , we both waiting u both at outside.

Cla' aha okay sure

Lace' take care byee

Clara off call and we pay grab.

Lace' here hello

Cla; oh re tu na drg jum (sambil tunjuk tmpt drg)

Me' ohh yaya jum

Adrian' hi re

Me' hello (he wore all black like damn , he wore kemeja black long sleeve and lace wore kemeja black short sleeve , wtf so hot )

Cla' re then where ur ticket?

Me' inside my bag why?

Adrian' u look so pretty re

Me' hhehehe thnku u look cool too

Cla' ba jumla we masuk

And then four of us masuk inside our sch punya hall. Ofc ramai yg lawa and cool. We go to our table and then sit there. Kami kena serve mknn jam800 nasib kami clara ada makan pizza tdi sblm jalan. During the event bnyk activity. The nicest dress for girl and the coolest dress for guy. Guess what adrian got tittle dress up badboy. Next activities is four perfect partner yg akan kena pilih. Gift dia ada small trophy, money and bouquet flower. Ramai sdh excited mau dpt perfect partner except me cus I don wan this tittle lol. But guess what me and adrian / clara and wallace dpt perfect partner another two partner sy nda familiar. Its a bit awkward sbb sy tida besa sama adrian but nvm sy buat biasa ja.

Clara' I don expect this babe

Me' me either bikin malu

Ad (adrian)' what makes u embrace?

Me' eh hahaha no I just don't get used with it.

Lace' congrats to us ba nnti mesti celebrate ni

Ad' ba on hahahaha

Me and clara diam2 and senyum ja dk what to response.

Next is lucky draw. After event gift2 ada performance dance and sing sambil makan. Food dia not bad sedap juga. Around 900PM siap sdh formal event. And the best part is masing2 perlu dance with their partner and take picture tgt. 10PM kami bebas boleh menari take picture dan lepak lepak. Memorable moment ever even a bit awkward. Lepas puas sdh minum2 (not alcohol but minum bergas) , take picture and cerita tinggu jam mau dekat jam11 sdh. Then me and clara mnta excuse balik. Trs adrian and wallace come to us. Mau take picture and they said kita book grab sama2 la. We agree ja sbb lebi safe kalau ada lelaki antar pulg. Arrived the grab , adrian sit infront. Kami tiga blkg. Masa kami mau buat payment adrian said no need he will pay he said. we only say thnku mls mau bedebat pasal payment sbb masing2 penat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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