Chap 5

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After struggle kasih siap kerja krusus and buat pembentangan dpn our own tc and cg jemputan its was astaga soo nervous lagi2 sy terpilih pembentang tebaik so I have to prepared more. Clara pula terpilih pembentg terbaik for geo. Pressure masing2 ada. Nasib leps bertungkus lumus dengn research and study kasih accomplish settled this presentation.


Sy stopped pigi class pingpong sdh sbb masa class pingpong tu I take as my rest time. Nasib mom and papa agree sbb drg nmpk juga usaha sy dengn study. Whtever it is im still a human being.

Friday at sch ^^

Clara ' re I feel so tired oh lately mcm bnyk btl beban di bahu berat lagi2 my mom nda pandai diam if she saw my play phone damn

Me' yk my mom agree when I said I want rest dri pingpong after pt3 bru sy sambg sbb sy penat sy bilg

Clara' wah really? Punyaa siukk

Me' yezza .

Clara' mri overnight my home . manatau diam juga my mom if got u at least I need a night of chilla. Or else mau gila sy haahah

Me' yes btl juga nnti mental kau. Later I ask my mom dlu harap she give. But I said ja la we mau sdty tgt so she will be agree.

Clara' thnkuu hehehe

Me' haha no need if u was me , you would do the same too right

Clara' ofc hahahah

Me' okay there it is my mom arrived alrdy , now I gtg dlu k. byebye

Clara' byebye

Sampai rmh I go bath and eat. Take a rest kijp , tdy me and mom ja d rmh. Dede di sch masih sbb ad tuition, papa pula kerja . jarang my dad blik rmh for lunch sometimes ja. Around 2pm I start study. I study sains and afal sikit kemahirn hidup punya subject. Dlm jam430 baru sy stop study. And my mom called me

Mom' cici

Me' yas mom wait

Mom' lets bake cake

Me' wahh okay sure lets go (suddenly pula my mom mau bake bfre ni nvr pula )

Mom' we bake cake chocolate fv all the ppl in this house (dede . me and papa love eat chocolate)

Me' alright but where did u get the recipe?

Mom' well my dear fb and youtube or anywhere got the recipe

Me' ohh mybe too I don really play fb so idk

Mom' we begin with tepung , telur chip chocolate and dark chocolate

my mom told me a lot la pasal the ingredient and how to do it. Kami spend time well btl tu time I was happy cus my mom ajar sy dngn soft voice. Sdh mix all the ingredient terus we bake at oven around 40mins) masa bake tu mom asked me to go bath sbb around 30 mins mahu masak for dinner.

After done eat for dinner I ask my mom

Me' mom can ka I sleep over clara home tmrw?

Mom' why?

Me' we want stdy tgt and got things mau discuss

Mom' brpa minggu lgi pt3 kamu ?

Me' around three week from tdy

Mom' mama don wan u get too much pressure dring ur pt3 asal u do ur best and jngn prnh nda respect ur tc okay?

Me' I know mom I was doing that all this time too. So can I ?

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