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The next day🍃

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back, I want you back
My neighbors think I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have, you're all I have
At night, when the stars light up my room

I sit by myself
Talking to the moon
Trying to get to you
In hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?

even my alarm sdh bunyi but sy Tida tebagun 😂. Ngantuk Btl. I hate Monday.

Mama" cii wakeup ur alarm mau meletup sdh dari tadi bunyi
Me" ah emm okok (dlm keadan mamai)

Off my alarm take my towel and then go bath. uniform sch , tie up hair , some lips balm and perfume. after done go to kitchen and take my breakfast. 

Since today is Monday which I have go to sch and go for my pingpong training. like im said , i had  prepared all the stuff that ive to used for all these freakin six day except for my rest day (sunday). 


mama' mornng ci 

me' mornng ma , where is dede and papa?

dede' im here heheh mornng

me' hi de , today ada tuition ka for ur UPSR ?

dede' got tu everydy terpaksa me skip piano class ni except for saturdy ja dpt join

mama' sokay later mom tell ur piano tc, whatever it is study first. okay gurls eat ur breakfast fast and then mom send u both to sch later late. 

me' anyway mom where is dad?

dede' ohya wheres dad?

mama' he go early today due to the early meeting he said

i dont really mind at first why my dad so rare spending his time with us , alasan busy kerja dan meeting stuff. but then its been two week since the event started. takkan belum hbis2 pula. but nvm. 


clara' hi re

me' hello 

clara' assemble tdy sapa jadi emce?

me' i don know i just reach sch this (we both pegawas)

clara' i think i got duty oh ready ja la , anyway u alrdy finish homework maths ka?

me' yea me too ready ja , kalau kena panggil betugas then just go. hahahaha iya i never skip my homeowrk yk tht

clara' so pt3 this time fully prepared straight As ka?

me' supposed to be like that but tu la i busy mau prepare untuk exam piano lagi nanti . kalau mcm ada ap2 tuition or kerja cikgu bagi remind me ah, tkut sy teskip manatau dtg sot sy 

clara' AHAHAHHAHH (she laugh like no tmrw) okay first time ba re kau cakap gitu padahal ni dua thun lebi kau ja balik2 kasih ingt sy ehheh. 

me' lol ba jum la nnti lambat pigi berbaris di dewan (i means the perhimpunan is abt to start)

Perhimpunan jalan macam besa ja. Kami semua diwajibkan untuk bawa notebook sepnjg perhimpunan dan catat perkara penting dan yg paling bikin fun dengn sch kami is every week we will learn two idiom with the meaning yg kena announced di perhimpunan. After that kami masuk class and study like usually.

Clara' re this weekend if u are free lets go to the secret beach.

Me' you forget that ive my piano class during saturdy?

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