chap 2

16 2 0

Today is Sunday..

Look at the window , and the clock is right 7am. I awake early today. My parents were still sleeping. Today is kinda quiet and cold. It's jus like the rain is about to come out any time. Honestly I was so tired living in the full of schedule but I had to say that I only have Sunday , the day where I can lay all the day in the bed. Ughhh..

I take my towel and go to bath , well never bath at 7am and above. Yas I do said my parents didn't strict but little do u know? They ain't strict but giving me a strict schedule. Anyone wonder what's my schedule?

Here u go
Monday- sch , ping pong class until 5pm. At night homework & study.

Tuesday- sch, tuition till 5pm. Night study and home work.

Wednesday- sch, piano class. Night study and home work.

Thursday- sch , tuition till 5pm. Night study and home work.

Friday- sch , pingpong class until 5pm. Night study and home work.

Saturday- ( a bit chill) 2-5pm piano class.

And my fv day Sunday laying all the day at bed. But what makes me happy is my mom never failed her promise to accompany us during weekend. Bfre me and my sis go to piano class she will cook for us and story time until the time we had got to go to the class.

I quite longing my dad cus he been busy all these week. Sy tedengar bilg papa , resort drg ramai cust dtg sampai no time ambil cuti. Sy sebagai anak pun paham jugala. By next week weekend mama janji bawa kami pigi tempat kerja papa. We both excited 😍😍. Sapa Tida excited lawa begia tu di sana.

Resort papa kerja 5start. Memang lawa dan pekerja sana pun bukan sembarangan. Sebrnya terdetik hati mau ikut jejak papa tpi Tida berani point it out apa yg sy suka.

I do dreaming much astaga rebynda lagi2 dreaming. Shampoo 🧴 my hair. And using my favorite body soap from scarlett. Brush my teeth and using salsa hand soap , bilg tu review dpt kasi lari sel kulit yg mati di tangan and bcs working out on my skin I continue used it. This is my bottle 3💖💖.

Random shirt. Comb my hair put vitamin and then

Mama: cici come out right now , lets take breakfast

Me automatically look at the watch 8.30am. I was thought they were still sleeping just now.

Me" Yas mom wait. (Tidy up my bed , sangkut towel and go out from my room)


Rebiyana" mornng cii
Me" mornng Dede. Ma where is papa?
Mom" tadi awal pagi papa rushing pigi kerja sebb ad meeting.
Me" even at the Sunday they still got meeting srsly?
Rebiyana" srsly??
Mama" Yas dearest , okay enough mama is still here accompany u both oke let's eat.

Hahahahaha is that my mom getting jealous bcs both of us wanted papa to be here too?😂😂

After breakfast basically I only help wash the dishes. And the rest mama will do it.

I go back to my room. Since I have finished my home work then I will just playing my phone. There is nothg much. I'm 14 and I just had this one girl who always stuck with me her name is clara.

She is pretty wearing glasses and A dancer. Talk active but struggling with study ofc.

And suddenly get notif "tinggggg"

Clara: reb , u know si angel couple sama siapaaaaa😱😱.

Me: hahaha u ah semua pun know. Whom? (I don freaking care but since she is my friend I pun layan ja la)

Clara: sama budk form4 class oxford 😭. Yg ensem tu baa yg ramai peminatt Sapa ba sdh namanya tu u know tuuu

Me: ah who's that I have no clue (thinkingg)

Clara: oh si Eric.

Me: acehh si Eric yg budk pandai tu drg bilg?

Clara: Yas u gotcha. Kau shock kaa

Me: ah Nda jugala

Clara: kau memang Teda feeling. HAHAHA okay reb I gtg love u

Me: love u.

I'm enjoying my free day today. Becinta? Too early I'm still 14 many thing to manage. Many exam and many thing to catch up.

Fast forward night.

Mama: cici come help mama.
Me: sure wait (cpt2 keluar dri bilik)
Mama: cici bljr tu putung2 tu bawang2 jngn d bilik jaaa. Start from now on if mama at kitchen u must be here too.
Me: hahaha okay ma

Tolg2 mama masak si Dede disana jugaa tapi dia tinggu cartoon d ruang tamu. Mama cook ikan sos and sayur tumis today😍😍 issa delicious 😋🤤.

After done eat

Mama: cici bljr kemas ni piring and wash em. Tu lauk letak dlm tudung salji. And then lap tu meja, after lap jngn lupa cuci tu kain lap.
Me: okaay ma.

Actually I don mind pun kena suru2 gitu. Learning kan cuma I think I will get more tired kalau Masa study days kena buat gitu cus my schedule is soo padat. But I know mama will understand that. Leps siap kerja sy pigi tmpt meja mama. Dia tenggah semak buku2 tu budak2😂. Lucu begiaa.

Tmrw is Monday means I have to go sch. I prepare the book that I need to bring. Clothes after sch. Iron my baju sekolah. Kasut sekolah . I will prepare everything a day before sch. After that I go Dede room .

Me: Dede buat apaaaa
Dede: tinggu ba ci d luar sana
(I look at the outside window , oh rupanya ada anjing comel.)
Me: why
Dede: dede want pet
Me: papa must disagree with that u know 😂.
Dede: ya ik but it's okay when I grow up I have my own home I will buy pet
Me: so de study well . U have money u can get whatever u want . Okayla cici go out dlu byebye gnight.
Dede: okay ci byee gnight too.

My relation sama Dede okay we jarang argue . We always support each other and help each other. Next year is her UPSR year and me will be sit for pt3. Ofc struggle study.

9.30pm it's time for me to sleep . I hate Monday!

To be continued

I'm so sorry if there is some words that u could not understand. But thnkyou for vote and choosing this story. Have a great Friday 💖. Stay safe always.

Ps/ this story slow update ya. 💖😊🦋

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