Chapter Two

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We said our last goodbyes and everyone started to head back to there cars to go back to Maria and Nate's home since they were having lunch there. We got in the car Nate and Maria in the front and Reggie and I in the back. They were having small talk in the front but quietly almost in a whisper but not exactly a whisper. Reggie was staring out the window with tears rolling down his face, it's incredible hard to watch someones little brother go through their older brother's death at such a young age. I tried to distract myself by going on my phone but going onto any social media was not an option since his fans didn't know about his passing, we wanted to keep who knew to only his family and close family. Some fans were getting skeptical since Vinnie hasn't posted in 3 weeks but I went onto my own twitter and tweeted that he was just taking a break to help with his mental health and he'll be back as soon as he can. I wish that tweet was the truth but you don't get everything you want in life. We finally got back to the house and went inside and some of his family and friends came and if they didn't they all went home. It was awfully quite, no one knew who or what to talk about until one of his older cousins spoke up " Do you guys remember when that video of vinnie and reggie eating crickets resurfaced on youtube? That video always made me laugh" he said with a smile on his face. Some of the people in the house laughed and others had small smiles on their faces. Now that I think about it i'm happy that we have all these memories of vinnie, although memories will fade im glad most of them are still fresh in most peoples minds.

time skip to Y/N going back to California

Being back in Cali is a strange feeling, one that I don't even think I can describe. It's a mix of sadness and anger, sadness because he's not gonna be there and anger because of what he did. I can't blame him though, he's always had problems with his mental health but I thought he was getting better. Guess I was wrong. I got to our apartment which i guess is just mine now and everything is the same as it was the day I left to go to Seattle, which was a couple days after his passing since I couldn't handle being alone. Walking into our living room was very overwhelming, all of his things like his skateboard and dirty pair of shoes were still there. Walking around the house and seeing all of his things, smelling his soap and cologne gives me the chills and brings tears to my eyes. I walked towards our bedroom but stopped halfway down the hallway when a picture of us caught my eye. It was the night he gave me my promise ring.

Flashback to 2 years ago


"Vinnie im gonna fall just tell me where we are going!" I said with excitement in my voice. Vinnie told me he was talking me somewhere special but didn't tell me exactly where so that's how we ended up here, me with a blindfold on my eyes and vinnie leading me somewhere. " I promise you I won't let you fall, plus were almost there."  He spoke. We walked a little further till he stopped me and finally said "here". He took the blindfold off me and when my eyes finally readjusted to the lighting I looked around and saw a blanket on the ground with a picnic basket and some candles lit. " This is amazing Vin, when did you do this?" I spoke with excitement in my voice. "Well when you went out with Mia and Kouvr I came here and set this all up." he said walking closer to me. " We haven't been on a date in a while and I thought this would be perfect." he spoke with a wide grin on his face. I walked over to where the blanket was laid out and just admired all the hard work he put into this. It means so much to me. " Vinnie i don't think you know ho-" im stopped mid sentence when I see Vinnie down on one knee. He's not proposing right now is he? I mean I would be okay with it it's just so unexpected I think to myself. He can tell i'm over thinking what he's doing and finally speaks up. "  Before you get to worried i'm not proposing, at least not right now. I'm giving you this promise ring to hopefully one day put a real engagement ring on your finger and call you mine forever. This is to promise you that no matter what i'll always be there and you will have me for Forever and Always. So my darling, will you accept this ring so one day it will be a ring that will have us together forever?" He says choking up a little bit. " YES VINNIE" I scream and run and knock him over from my excitement. He pulls the ring out of the box and It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen and slides it onto my ring finger. He asks me if we can take a picture and of course I say yes I want to have a picture of this so we can remember forever. The picture is us kissing on the lips with my hand showing the promise ring.

End of flashback


Looking at that picture brings me so much pain. So much for "Forever and Always" I think to myself. I go into our bedroom and set my things down. I haven't been in here since I found him. I sit on the bed and try to relax as much as possible. My head is pounding and i'm so tired but I know i won't get much sleep tonight, I haven't really since. I haven't had to sleep without him for 4 years, it's quite hard to now.  I'm unpacking my belongings and I stumble upon the letter his mom gave me that was from him. I debate on whether or not I should read it. I know the sooner the better but Honestly I don't know if I can. I finish putting away my things and finally go and put comfy clothes on and get under the covers. I pick the letter back up and stare at it for a long time. I then decide to read it, maybe it will help with the pain. I break the seal on the envelope and pull the letter out and begin to unfold it. As soon as It's open I read

My darling,...

Forever and Always, My darling- V.H storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang