Chapter four

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A/N: hey guys! i know i haven't updated in a while and that's because i was sick and i wasn't feeling my bet to update. but we're back and i hope to get at least 3 or 4 chapters out this week!! also this one is a short one sorry :(

Vinnies POV

As I lay there watching Y/N fall asleep I can't help but watch her. I watch as her chest goes up and down with every breath she takes. My god she's the most beautiful person i've seen. As i lay there i think of all the memories and big events in our life. One that sticks out to me is when i first asked her to be my girlfriend.

4 years ago
Vinnies POV
Me and Y/N have been "talking" for a while. Well that's what i would call it at least. I mean what's their not to like about her she has perfect hair, the most gorgeous eyes i've ever seen and her smile just makes my day so much better. She's coming over to the Hype House in a little bit and i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. i'm so fucking nervous i can feel my heart racing in my ears. While i'm trying to calm myself down Michael walks in.
"Hey Vinnie you ok?" I look up at him and he has a worried look on his face. "Yeah i'm perfectly fine. i'm in tip top shape. No i'm not actually i'm gonna ask Y/N to be my girlfriend and i'm nervous. what if she says no what if she thinks we're better off as friends." i continued to ramble on until Michael cut me off by putting a hand on my shoulder. " Vinnie it's gonna be alright. I'm sure she'll say yes, i mean you can tell she really likes you by how she looks at you. She looks at you like you hung the moon and stars, it'll be ok." he says trying to reassure me. it worked for the most part i'm not as nervous anymore. We walk out into the main living room area and Alex, Thomas, mia, and Calvin are all in there just relaxing. As I'm about to sit down the doorbell rings and Y/N walks in and just like that i'm all jittery and my palms of my hands begin to get sweaty.
" Hey everyone!" she says with the brightest smile and cheerful voice. She walks over to me and sits next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. We sit there for like 10 minutes and she whispers in my ear
" Let's go to your room i wanna cuddle" and who am i to say no to her. we get up and walk to my room and she lays on my bed and then i lay down and wrap my arms around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck. " So how's your day been?" she says and i can tell she's smiling while saying that. whenever we're cuddling she always starts small talk. " Umm it's been ok i've just been worried about this thing but i'm pretty sure that it's gonna work out in the end" she moves her head so she can look at me. " and your not gonna tell me why the "thing" is vincent?" oh god i messed this up, what am i even suppose to say? "oh the thing is me asking you to be my girlfriend" yeah cause that would be perfect. i gotta lie to her even though i hate lying especially to her. " oh it's just work related stuff, nothing for you to worry about" she looked at me funny. I think she knew i was lying. "whatever you say vinnie" she says rolling her eyes. we continue to lay there for maybe an hour or so and at this point i know i need to get it out or else i'll never tell her. " Y/N i need to tell you something. it's super important and i get that after i say what i'm going to say you don't wanna be friends with me anymore. i'd completely understand" she looks at me with a look of worry and sadness in her eyes. " ok so basically" i stop and take a deep breath. " Y/N what i'm trying to say is that i like you, like LIKE you like you. we've been friends for a while but i've grown to have feelings towards you and i want to be your boyfriend to we can do all those cute couple things. i understand if you don't feel the same tho." i get it all out and she just stares at me, i cant tell if that's good or bad. " i messed this up didnt i?" i say getting up to open my bedroom door i stop when she comes over and grabs my arm and looks at me in the eyes. " vinnie i've felt that way since i can remember. i would love to be your girlfriend" she says with a soft smile. once i heard those words i have her the biggest hug and kissed the top of her head.

present time
Vinnies POV
as i continue to think of the goods times i feel her begin to stir in my arms. I know i told her that i would say goodbye while she's sleeping but i couldn't. i mean one more night couldn't hurt right?

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