Chapter Five

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A/N: hey guys!! i'm here to give a quick update before i continue on with this chapter. so number 1) i'm thinking of doing maybe 11 or 12 chapters of this book because i don't wanna make it go in forever and stretch the idea of it but we'll see. 2) once this book is over i'm gonna make a oneshot/imagines book!! ok now back to the chapter

Vinnies POV
Y/N's eyes fluttered opened and when her eyes readjusted to the light she froze and she went pale in the face. it's like her body took a screenshot.

"vinnie you told me that you would be gone in the morning. if you haven't noticed YOUR STILL HERE." to say i was mad was a understatement he told me he'd leave and i was prepared to wake up and not have him here and that was all for nothing. " Vinnie i think i own an explanation as to why your still here" i say sternly.
"Well I thought that one more night wouldn't hurt. it's just, once i leave that's it you won't see me ever again until it's your time to go. I just needed to be with you one more time." he says while looking down and not making eye contact with me. I understand where he's coming from. I do. but once again he's only thinking about himself and not those around him. "Vinnie, you doing this isn't gonna help me heal. I think you and I both know that." it's not that i don't want him here, i do but if i wanna heal and grow as a person he needs to leave. We just sit there and look at eachother until we both start crying. Vinnie gets up and hugs me and i hug him back we stay like that for maybe 30 minutes but it doesn't seem enough. " umm i have lunch today with Avani and Anthony. They want to check up on me. I don't know what you'll do you can stay here i guess." i say looking up at him. " yeah i'll stay here until you get back my darling." that nickname sends a ache to my heart, no one will ever be able to call me darling again after this.


Avani texted me saying she and Anthony were already at the restaurant so i headed over and sat down with them.
"hey Y/N" Avani says getting up and hugging me. it feels good to be out and with friends it helps get my mind off of the whole situation.
"Hey Avani, hi anthony" i say while sitting down.
we ordered our food and just had small talk. it was nice until they brought up vinnie.
"How have you been since vinnies passing?" avani asks with a soft tone in her voice.
" it's been hard, it's not easy to come home to a empty bed and house when you've been sharing it with that person for so many years. It all happened so quickly that i don't think my brain has had time to process it." I say without looking up at them but when i do look up i see Vinnie across the restaurant. i gasp and Avani and Anthony looked at me weirdly and i got up quickly saying i had to go to the bathroom. I went into the family one and locked the door and took a deep breath. I turned around and there he was.
" Vinnie I told you to stay at the house. why did you follow me here?" " I wanted to see what you were up to so i just came here it was only gonna be for a few minutes but you saw me." i look at him in a odd way. i don't know the look i was giving him but it was definitely a look. "I have to go back to Avani and Anthony so if you could go away that would be great" i say clapping my hands and walking out of the bathroom before he can say anything else.


Y/N was furious, i don't think i've ever seen her this mad. I didn't think just being in the restaurant would make her so mad i just wanted to see her, it's not like other people could see me. Only she can. I was sitting on our bed waiting for her to come home. I heard the front door open and then slam shut and footsteps going up the stairs. She swung the door open and didn't even acknowledge my presence, and i know she can see me. She walked to the closet and started throwing my stuff out of it, i was beyond confused. "Y/N what are you doing?" "I'm getting rid of some of your things. Having so much of it is making me overwhelmed and i need to do something." she says while picking up a light blue hoodie and walking over to the garbage to throw it out. "WAIT" "what vincent?" "don't throw that hoodie out that's the piece of clothing i ever gave you after we became official" "oh" she says running her fingers over the fabric. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes and flings her arms around me i immediately hug her back and bury my head in her neck. "Vinnie why did you have to die? why couldn't you just come to me and talk to me. What am i suppose to do when you finally leave me? I can't move on from you, your my soulmate, my forever. Now we don't even have forever." she says between sobs. Hearing her say these things makes me regret everything i've done in the past few months. She's right i should've just talked to her. Not only did i take away her best friend but also her soulmate and other half. For now I need to take in all the time i have with her because after this i can only watch her from afar in another world where she can't see me. For now i'll stand here hugging My Darling.

Forever and Always, My darling- V.H storyWhere stories live. Discover now