A promise that was broken within one action

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Yamaguchi woke up to Kageyama wrapping his arms around him. He looked very peaceful while sleeping, and naturally he would always be scared when someone would touch him the slightest, but now he felt comforted and safe.

"Kageyama.. wake up" Tadashi said, poking his cheek and leaning onto his chest. Kageyama slowly started to open his eyes, finding Yamaguchi on tops of him.

"Oh morning Tadashi, did you sleep well?" Kageyama asked, he stroked his long hair while staring into his still dark green dull eyes.

"Yeah.. We should probably get going, Kei probably has a whole freaking search team looking for us"

"Oh right, here.."

Kageyama stood up while Yamaguchi got off of him, now him sitting on the grass. Kageyama cleans himself up and puts his hand out, gesturing for him to help Tadashi up. Tadashi grabbed his hand, but Kageyama pulled him close so he was practically like hugging him.

"Hm.. We're probably gonna have to take a little bath" Kageyama said, wrapping his arms around Yamaguchi's waist.

"Yeah probably, but we have to go now, come on"

He started walking towards the wall with Kageyama walking behind him. Yamaguchi was lucky his legs were working (unlike Yoonbum🙄🤚) this man was fucked senseless.

Somewhere far away was Prince Kei. He kept pacing back and forth in the throne room, waiting for Tadashi to come back or for one of the guards to tell him he found them. But there was something off.. I mean he didn't have any type of feelings towarda Yamaguchi, all he was doing was fucking him and abusing him just to let his stress out but he was very desperate to have Tadashi back, he missed having Tadashi around. And although he did so many horrible things to him and he regrets every bit of it, they still had decent moments. For example:

*1 year ago*


"I said don't call me that and what do you want? I'm busy"

"I'll call you whatever I want and I just wanted to check up on you"

"Well as you can see I am doing just fine, now do you mind? I wanna practice in peace"

"Argh.. Look, I need to talk to you"

"What are you gonna do? Hit me again? Cause last time you said that you hit me as a way to show you were 'showing affection'"

"I'm being serious Yamaguchi.."

He has never called Yamaguchi by his name, I guess he was being serious..


He put his bow and arrow down, took off his gloves and walked up up to Tsukishima. Kei pulls him in for a hug, at first Yamaguchi thought he was going to do something to he prepared himself but he never did anything, all he did was stand there, hugging him tightly.

"Uhm hey,, this is kinda weird, but are you okay? You're starting to freak me out"

"Everyone here sucks, I don't wanna be here. I never meant to kill Oikawa and Iwaizumi, he made me do it, I just wanna escape but I can't. They're everywhere, everywhere you go they are always watching, please help me Tadashi, you're the only person that I can go to, nobody listens to me and I;ve over some things about you and I heard you're a great listener so I came to vent to you"

"Kei I.. I'm speechless, I get why you would come to me but why couldn't you just go to your brother or uhm.. ex-girlfriend"

"They don't listen, they just think it's a phase and that it will go away but everyday I just feel pain. I never intended to hurt you, I want what's best for you but if I don't listen I'll most likely die"

"So you're father is making you do this?"


Yamaguchi hugs him back and pats himself back a little as a sign of comfort.

"Now please believe that in 1 year, we will escape this place. I am willing to put my life on the line just for you to escape this hell. One day you will be freed from this torture, I promise one day.."

Tadashi felt warm droplets on his shoulder, he has never heard or even seen Tsukishima cry before, maybe this is why he always walked into his room with puffy eyes.

"Do... Do you really promise that?"

"Of course I do.. I cross my heart"


"I trusted you Tadashi, but you left me, you forgot about our promise. Oh how could I ever trust you? I let myself get too close to you that now I am hurt. I'm so sorry Tadashi, please forgive me.."

Tsukishima grabbed one the swords and stabbed himself with him. At first it hurt but then he started to feel.. relieved and free. He could hear muffled screams and cries in the back but he didn't pay attention to any of those things, the last things he had on his mind was Yamaguchi, he pictured his perfect smile with Kageyama. Oh cute he would look with someone bette than Yamaguchi. He truly loved him and he never wanted things to turn out like this but he let his love get too strong, and now here he is. Bleeding out on the floor while everyone was trying their best to keep him awake and alive.

"I love you my Prince Tadashi"

*Now onto Yamaguchi and Kageyama*

They heard sirens, Yamaguchi knew what it was, he heard them when one of the princesses died there. And that was when they announce it in every kind of like speaker they had in the whole forest.

"Good afternoon everyone, unfortunately for us Prince Kei Tsukishima has now died, a ceremony will be held tomorrow afternoon, thank you for listening"

Yamaguchi couldn't believe it.. Kei died? How? When? Where? He had so many questions. Before he knew it he fell onto his knees and was crying and sobbing. Kageyama got down to his level and hugged him tightly.

"I..I promise him we would escape this place, I promised him one day we would finally lave this hell.. How could I be so stupid to leave?! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT, I LET HIM DIE, IT'S ALL MY FAULT"

"Hey Tadashi calmed down.. breathe okay, you're hyperventilating"

After a few minutes Tadashi calmed down, he was laying on Kageyama while his arms were wrapped around Tadashi. All he did was stare into the flowers and remember everything that him and Tsukishima shared. Yamaguchi's spark had finally started to come back but now it was gone all over again. He just kept blaming himself for everything. He waa at fault for Tsukishima's death. He was the reason he is gone now. People back at the other kingdom's must be celebrating that Kei is finally dead but he wasn't. He wanted him to be alive. But then they heard the radio turn on again and the guards said..

Hey it's me, the author, or you can call me Izukuk, but I'll just add a song since I thought it went with this, or some songs that I think went with these moments. And yes I did cry while writing this. Dunno why but I just did.

*Tsukishima's point of view but Yamaguchi never falls in love*

Oh yuh gotta bring in another life into this

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