Leaving for good

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"What do mean he is going to die? How?!"

"Well.. It's kinda hard to explain. Here, bring him to this rock over here"

Kenma leads them to a rock, there they set down Tadashi. He started sweating a lot and his breathing was getting shakier and shakier. The only person that they could rely on was Kenma.

"Well? What are you gonna do Kenma?"

He heads to his bag and takes out a book. He flipped through the pages until he stopped on what he was looking for, he called everyone over and they headed to where he was.

"This. This is what we need. Yes I know it's the same flower but since that one was contaminated we need the same flower. It can only be found within the deep ends of the forest Baloch."

"Baloch? That's close right? I'll go there right now-"

"Tsukishima no. It's too dangerous, you can't risk your life"

"So what? We just let him die?!"

"Of course not. I'll go there"

"No! You're our main source we can't risk you getting hurt"

"..Fine but if you get hurt I swear to god"

I'm lazy to explain what happens to have this video of Arthur (Tsukishima) Trying to get the flower but F/N stops them (pretend F/N is a boy or girl or whatever your want)

"Jeez Tsukishima! You took to long, I was starting to think you were dead"

"Yeah sorry I almost got attacked and died while trying to save my friend's life! My sister/brother was in there but they didn't recognize me since I had my hood on"

"Good now give me the flower please"

Tsukishima hands Kenma the flower. He grabs materials from his bag and gets started on making the potion, but then..

"Uh hey Kenma?"

"Yes Oikawa?"

"His breathing is getting heavier, should we be concerned?"

"What?! Freaking hell, I gotta hurry up"

He starts mixing faster, trying his best not to mess up the potion. Once he's done he quickly gets to Yamaguchi and pours the drink into his mouth. Yamaguchi swallows it. They thought everything was fine but.



"He stopped breathing"

Kenma looks over at Yamaguchi, he saw his body very still. He didn't move at all, he turned even more pale than he already was.

"Crap, crap, crap! I thought the potion worked, I was too late, this is all my fault!"

"No Kozume, this isn't your fault, we were too dumb to notice it"

Kenma started crying a little, why though? He had just met this boy yet he was crying for him. Oikawa got closer to Kenma and hugged him, telling him it was going to be okay.

"What the heck..?"

They heard a voice, they all looked over at Yamaguchi who had now had his eyes open, touching his head as if it was hurting.

"Just say yes" Haikyuu storyWhere stories live. Discover now