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I woke up from the sudden buzz like feeling on my face.

"Mmm" I groaned  

It was my phone, I looked at my phone as I rubbed my eyes. It was sana.

Sana: y/n!! Get up! Your going to be late you fool!!


i promised sana a cup of Coffe the other day but forgot.

I quickly changed into my close brush my teeth and ran outside.
After 3 minutes of running I finally seen sana and walked up to her.

"Sana! I'm drained"I said while weeping.

"Your such a mess"sana giggled.

"Hush let's go inside shall we?" I said while fixing my clothes.
We went inside the Coffe shop but I didn't want to face yeonjun at all, I didn't want sana to know somethings was up either...

As we walked inside the shop I quickly tugged Sanaa shirt.

"Ahh sana why don't you order our drinks"I said while smiling

"Oh um sure, but what do you want?"sana asked 

"Anything! Anything!"I said.

"What are you guys doing.. please don't take up the line"yeonjun said with his fake smile.

"So sana what will you get?"I said while ignoring yeonjun.

"Oh um a strawberry boba"sana said.

"One for me too please!"I said while walking off to our seat.

As I sat down I sighed.

"Why this day out of all the days he had to be working?.."I said to myself.

I looked up to check on sana and instead made eye contact with yeonjun.

I jumped a little because I was startled, I was so startled that I just sat there looking at him for 3 seconds.

I got back into my senses and broke the eye contact.

I put my head down on the table to hide my face, my heart was beating fast.

"I never held an eye contact for so long with a boy, I hate this feeling"I said to myself.

I heard footsteps approaching my table that I was sitting at.

"Ma'am I'd like to check up on you, you seem sick"yeonjun said as he hovered over me.

"Leave me alone"I said annoyed.

"Oh there seems to be something in your hair"yeonjun said as his face got closer to mines.

"Stop acting like a brat, if your going to be so rude don't come"yeonjun whispered in my ear.

Yeonjun backed up and put on that fake smile he always used.

"I'll be going now"yeonjun smiled.

I just sat there glaring at him as he walked off.

"Fix your face dummy we're in public"sana said as she hit my head.

"Ow ~"I said as I held my head.

"Our drinks will be coming soon"sana said as she sat down.

"Yay ~"I said as I slid down on my chair.

"Here are your drinks....please sit up in your chair." Yeonjun said as he came over.

I just say there ignoring him.

As he sat our drinks down I took it and immediately started to drink it.

"Mmmm~ isn't it good sana?"I said trying to make Yeonjun mad.

"Yeah~"sana said.

Yeonjun just sat there looking extremely mad.

"Hm? Is there a problem sir?"I said as I look at him.

"No, not at all."Yeonjun said as his smile reappeared.

"I thought so...we don't need you anymore, you can leave."I said.

"Ah yes...of course"Yeonjun said as he left.

Stranger /Choi yeonjun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now