Chapter 3: Friends

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Your POV: He's not allowed to have friends or feelings? What does he mean by that? You think to yourself.
"Hey guren?" "Do you have any friends?" "No" he answers bluntly. " Your lying" I say "how-" "because we're friend's" I say smiling at him. "How we barley even know each other" "doesn't matter, I can tell your a good person who deserves much more than you get" I see him blushing at my statement. "Aw your so cute when you blush" I say teasingly. "W-WHAT S-STOP!" "Hey Guren you should get going now" Says Shinya pointing towards the clock on the wall. "Oh your right" Guren says getting up having trouble in the process. "Hey are you sure your gonna be fine in your own!?" I ask. "Y-yeah I think I can manage." He says looking back at me. "well thanks for helping me, bye"

Guren's POV: (male name) sure is nice. I think to myself as I walk out the door. The moment I hear the door close I run as fast as I can to hurry and get back to my cell not caring about my legs. I have to hurry and get there before my curfew or else-. I stop in my tracks when I see a big man standing in front of me. One of my abusers to be exact the person who beat me earlier. "What's the rush?" "Were you trying to hurry up and get to your cell before curfew like we wouldn't notice you were late?" The man ask. My eyes widen and I look at the floor as tears weld up in my eyes knowing what's about to happen next. "ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" The man yells as he grabs me by my hair. "AH!" He then drags me all the way to my cell and throws me in. He grabs a whip and looks at me with a sinester smirk on his face. I back up to a corner trembling in fear.  He raises his hand that's holding the whip I know I can't get out of this so i embrace myself for the pain I am about to receive once again.

No one's POV: you stare at the clock for what seems like forever until Shinya hit you in the head. "Dude are you ok?" He ask. "What do you mean?" You ask. "I mean About that boy, Guren." "Do you think he's cute?" Shinya ask you. "I don't know, I'm just worried about him." You say turning away from him. "I still can't figure out what he meant by he's not allowed to have friends or feelings" "I'm sure he meant he doesn't have any" says Shinya. "Yeah I guess your right" "I'm gonna go get some fresh air" you say getting up and walking to the door.
"Alright I'll see you later" Says Shinya. And with that you leave.

Your Pov: I was walking down the hall heading down the steps when I heard I noise. I stop and wait to see if I can hear it again. And I did, however the sound was quiet faint anyone else would have missed it. Out of curiosity I try to see where the sound is coming from. I closed my eyes and listened closely. Then there it was again. The sound was coming from downstairs. I quickly run down the steps and head to where the sound was coming from. "AH! P-PLEASE STOP!" I hear crys of pain. I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was, but I sadly know that I'm wrong. I run as fast as I can and kick the door down. When I reached where the sound was coming from I felt nothing but anger build up Inside me.

Guren's POV: I scream in pain as the man whips me over and over again as each hit leaves a painful marking. I close my eyes waiting for another hit. But, nothing happens. I open my eyes slowly and look up to see a hand catching the whip and familiar hair.
I stare in shock as I see that (male name) was holding the whip with one hand and the man by the neck with his other. "You filthy human" he says with nothing but venom in his voice. "What is the meaning of all of this?!" He ask. "It's none of your concern you little sh-" (male name then) throws him to the ground and raises his arm in the air as he brings it down quickly. The man then yells in pain. As (male name) hits him over and over again. "HOW DOES THAT FEEL HUH?!" "DOESN'T FEEL VERY GOOD DOES IT!?" "YOU DON'T LIKE BEING TRAMPLED ON NOW DO YOU!?" he yells at the man. He then stops to breathe. His breathing was rapid at first but slowed down. He drops the whip and turns to me. "Are you ok Guren?" He asks in a soft tone.
"Y-yes thank you" I say shakily. "Here come with me, I knoe something that will calm you down." He says smiling as he offers me his hand. I hesitated but I accept his offer. He helps me out the room and heads downstairs. "What are we looking at?" I ask. "You'll see" he says. We get outside and he takes me to a specific spot on the grass. "Now look up" I look up and my eyes widen in shock. The sunset. It was just so beautiful and breath taking. I've never seen anything like this before.

Your POV: I show Guren the sunset and look over at him to see him smiling. I take a moment to admire his features. His hair blowing in the gentle wind, his sun-kissed skin, his eyes shimmering in the sunlight. He looks so perfect. "It's so pretty (male name)" I nod my head as I try to look at the sunset. But for some reason I couldn't. I found my eyes looking at guren's unoticed. Those eyes. Those were the eyes I wanted to see on Guren's face. The eyes of a peaceful and carefree Guren. I wish this moment could last forever but I knew it wouldn't. We stayed out there until the sun was replaced with the moon.
"Come on Guren, let's go" he looks at me in confusion. "Go where I have to get back-" "No!" "Your bit going back to that hell hole" I say to him. "I'm gonna make sure you go somewhere better, somewhere you deserve." "You don't deserve to be treated the way you are." I say grabbing his hands. "Guren" "hmm" "How about you become a soldier?" "that way we can see each other more and spend time together" "would you like that?" I ask. "I-i uh, y-yeah sure I guess" "but how"  he says. Don't worry about that part we'll discuss that tommorow." I help him up to his feet and head back inside. As we walk up the stairs I notice Guren is a little behind. Then I look at his legs. His wounds must have re-opened from what that man did to him. I think to myself. I head to where he is and pick him up bridal style. "H-hey what are you doing!?" You obviously need help walking." I say. "I'm fine-" "no your not Guren, now stop complaining and just be quiet." "Hmph" we arrive in my room and I sit him on the couch. I treat his wounds and give him one of my pairs of pajamas. "Here you can sleep in these" "t-thank you" "no problem" "no I mean, for everything you've done for me, I've never been treated with such kindness before I met you." "So thank you for showing me what it's like to be cared for." He says slightly smiling. "Your welcome, someone like you should be treated better anyway" I say as I look at him. Our eyes then meet and we stare at each other for what feels like ages. We were lost in each other's eyes once again just like the first time we met. I then snap out of it and turn around. "get some rest okay?"  "And wash yourself up so your skin can get some cleaning. He Blushes and looks down. "Y-yeah ok" he then goes to the bathroom to wash up.

Guren's POV: I turn the shower nob as I get in the shower. The water feels amazing it's warm and soothing. I begin to wash myself and start to think. "Why is he doing this for me?" I whisper to myself. "Could we only be friends?" "Maybe..." I get out the shower and dry off changing into my pajamas. I then lay down on the couch . "Maybe, We were meant to be more than friends" and with that I go to sleep.


DISCONTINUED {Save Me} Guren X Seme Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now