Chapter 4: Savior

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I see more people are reading this book so here's a new chapter.

I love this song
Song: Soldier by Samantha Jade

Guren's POV: I wake up to a really strong and attractive smell. The smell makes me hungry, maybe it's food. I get up tiredly rubbing my eyes and see (m/n) making pancakes and eggs.
"Oh, hi Guren!" Says Shinya as he waved to me with a Piece of toast in his mouth. "Oh good morning" I say. "I'm making breakfast right now you can go get yourself together if you'd like" he says as he looks at me. I nod my head as I turn around and head for the shower. After I get in I can't help but stand there for a moment letting the warmness of the clean water hit my skin as I listen to the calming sound of the water. I guess I never really knew what actually feeling clean was until I met them. I feel so refreshed. Right when I get out the shower (M/n) had just finished cooking the food. I quickly get dressed and head to the kitchen I couldn't wait to taste the food. I mean I'm pretty sure he can cook it smelled nice so why wouldn't it taste as nice right. I sit down at the table with the two other boys and we begin to eat. As soon as I take the first bite my taste buds exploded with joy. It was so just good. I take another bite and before I knew it I felt nothing else in my mouth. That's when I realized I had ate it all already. "Looks like you enjoyed it" says (m/n) I bid my head "it's really good"  he just chuckles and gets up. "Want more?" "I can show you how to make em" he says. "You'd teach me?" I asked. "Yeah if you want that way you can have some whenever you'd like" "yes please teach me." I say, he gives me a apron and starts telling me how to make them. He told me to mix the pancake mix. As I was mixing it I feel a precense behind me. He grabs my hand that I was using to mix it and starts moving his hand around making mine move along with his. "Here's a trick, if you mix it like this they'll come out more fluffier and softer." He says. I feel my face getting redder by the second as his hand was on top of mine. "Um t-thanks" "don't mention it" "I'll leave the rest to you we have to go" says (m/n) "where are you going" I ask. "We have school and training to do as usual." Says Shinya grabbing some more bread. "Oh" I say kind of upset that they have to go, I mean I didn't mind because I knew that it was more important than staying here with me and wasting their time. "Hey Guren" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear (male name) call my name. "Um yes" "would you like to come with us" he says. "O-OH N-no I wouldn't wanna get in the way and distract you guys or anything." I say protesting but he of course didn't care. "I'm sure they won't mind you watching." "It's not really that it's just" I look down that the ground. "I don't want you both to get into any trouble with me around." I say. "And so what if we do?" "Plus who's gonna tell me I can't have a friend around" I look back up in shock. "A-are you sure?" I ask. "Well we won't know until we find out." He says. Part of me wants to go but I told them that I'll just stay here while their at school. He stopped trying to get me to change my mind and they say their goodbyes before leaving. Well Shinya kind of did, (male name) had to drag him out of the room because he said he didn't wanna leave his bread or else it would go bad. "Shinya let's go!" "NO MY BREAD I DIDN'T EAT IT YET- AH!" "We're leaving NOW!" "MY BREAAAD!" and after that I heard the door shut. I clean up and begin looking around for something to do.

Shinya's Pov: "I can't believe this how could you!" I yell at (male name) for not letting me get the rest of my bread. "Oh quit your whining." He says hitting me on my head. "Ow hey!" I shout. As we had began walking to school I asked (male name) why he was being so nice to that Guren boy. He stayed silent. "aw I always knew you were a bug softie." I taunt him. He turns around and looks at me with a stotic face but deadly eyes. "Ah s-sorry" I say hoping he wouldn't hurt me. "I don't get it" he whispered. "hmm you don't get what?" I asked confused. "That boy, I just don't get why he brings out they side of me do easily" he says. "I don't know maybe that's God's way of telling you to loosen up a bit." I say. He sighs and continued walking. We arrive in class shortly after. The classrooms atmosphere was filled with a heavy aura. The teacher wasn't here yet so I was wondering why the class was so un-easy. Then it clicked in my head. WE HAD A WEAPONRY TEST TODAY! "oh no!" "Darn I totally forgot!" I look at (male name) and I see him smirk as he looked out the window. "You knew didn't you!" "You traitor, first my bread and now this!" I say. He chuckled quietly. "Of course I remembered I never forget." He says as he digs through his bag. As he's digging through his bag his face suddenly changes. "What's up?" I asked. "I forgot my weapon." He says bluntly. "Huh?!" "I thought you said  you NEVER forget." "All that shit talk but you can't back it up" I say. "Shut your bread hole" "ugh I have to go get it but I don't think I have enough time. "Well I mean class doesn't start for another 15 minutes so maybe you can make it there and back within that time" I say. "Yeah I'll go" "I'll stay here just in case the teacher ask where you are." I say. "Thanks, be right back"  he says. "you better!" I yell before he walk out the door.

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