Chapter 5: I will always be by your side

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Yeah so hehehe... hi
Been a loooong time. I honestly forgot about thus but i had no ideas built I forgot How much I actually enjoyed writing this so I'll continue now
We didn't move BTW. Yeah it's been THAT long.

But anyways let's get into the story

Guren's pov

They throw me outside on the ground as I'm still handcuffed. I look around and see vampires chained up. Wait why am I out here with vampires! I think to myself. "Oh shit, I'm in trouble now" I whisper yo myself.  "You might wanna get a move on brat or else you'll be killed!' Yelled one of the guards. I see the chains on one of the vampires fall off and chase after me. I scattered to the other side of the ground but not fast enough as it manages to scratch my face pretty deep. "AH-" I yell.

The vampire is just chasing me around as I try to dodge whatever it does. I fall to the ground as the vampire comes up to me slowly licking its lips.  I close my eyes and prepare for my death until I hear someone yell. "Don't you dare lay a finger on him" I turn towards the voice and see (y/n) standing at the top of the roof with his bow ready. (Extra ass)

"(Y-n)!" I shout. The vampire snarls and lunges at me before falling to the ground mid air. I look at it fall as one if (y/n)'s arrows pierces through it's neck. I watch I'm shock as it begins crumbling and fading away. I try to run toward (y/n) but I didn't notice the vampire behind me "Guren!"

(Y/n) gently pushed me to the side as the vampire manages to scratch his arm. I gasped and "Oh no" (our table it's broken) I didn't know what else to do so I just took off my shoes and threw them hoping it would hit the vampire attacking (y/n). And it did. Well one did, the other one hit (y/n). But he picked it up and gave me a small smile as he threw it at the vampire before stabbing it. I blink and see that (y/n) is gone.

Before I even got the chance to look around  before I know it I'm suddenly picked up. My eyes were closed so I got scared when I saw that I wasn't even on the ground. I looked around to see (y/n) carrying me. "W-what are you doing?!" I scream out of fear.  "I'm taking you somewhere safe" he places me down on the ground. "Now then, try not to fall kay?" He says.

"Okaay?' I say no knowing what he meant. I look at my surroundings and then down to my feet.  My eyes widen as I see (y/n) fighting off the vampires and a couple of the soldiers below. Wait, below? "AH!" HE PUT ME ON THE ROOF?! I yelled mentally. "Yeah he just loves rooftops for some reason." My) husband), I MEAN A voice said. Hahaha....


"What-" 'he likes roofs." The voice repeated. It was Shinya talking as he was playing with a bird.

Shinya stood up and inspected my face touching it and moving my head around. "Hmm, ah, oh no it seems you have been injured." "There's a cut on you cheek, it's pretty deep too." He states.  "Yeah I know I felt it when it happened.' I said. "My my (y/n) isn't gonna be happy about this" just as he said that, he appeared between us as if he could hear us from below. He gave Shinya a hard stare before pushing us both away from each other. (Kinda like how Pepe did to Felix and mirabel on the beginning of we don't talk about Bruno)

"Why are you so close to him dude give him some room" he said before also inspecting my face. When he notices to cut his eyes turn from sharp to soft and a worried expression takes over his face. I look at his eyes not knowing that I was staring until he said something.  "Are my eyes that intresting?" He said as he stared back at me me. I blushed and he backed away.

Your pov: (it's time for your pov now I noticed most is his pov, plus it's getting hard to write in his pov anyway.)

"Let's go" I said as I grab Guren's hand. I swear his hand got hot too. "Why are you holding his hand hmm?" Shinya asked. That asshole.  "Er, so he won't get snatched up again." I said. I look at Guren and tell him "As long as your close to me I won't let anything happen to you. He nods and smiles at me thanking me but I feel guilty because he got taken and hurt and I wasn't there to protect him.

We arrive at me and Shinya's shared room, Shinya was bugging me alot about holding Guren's hand so I hid his bread and told him he ran out. He panicked and ran to get some more.

"Aww you two would be cute together ya know' "shut up" "are you embarrassed because i caught you?" "This is hilarious" "this is completely irrational Shinya" "Oh no Shinya look, we're out of bread!" "WHAT I JUST BOUGHT SOME DID I EAT IT ALREADY!?" "Aaaah I'm not gonna make it I'm going to get more see ya!"

"Hehe, dumbass' I say as I laugh to myself. I feel Guren squeeze my hand. I look at the hand he was squeezing and then at him. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No I just uh." I stumbled back a little and see that Guren hugged me. "I'm sorry you had to come save me again." "It's fine Gur-" I began but was interrupted bu Gurens upset outburst. 'No it's not! You got hurt because of me!" "Hey calm down I don't mind okay, I'm just glad your safe." "Plus you got hurt too." I say

"Oh yeah but that's different, that was my fault not yours" he said. "Of course it is I was there to protect you." I say. "Guren from now on I will always be by your side." I say before hugging him back. We stay like this for a while before  hearing the door open. We quickly get off of each other and pretend nothing happened. Of course it was Shinya and of course he saw everything. "I saaaaw thaaat!' "Yall cute or whatever" "yeah yeah, did you get your stupid bread?" "Yup!' He says.

"Okay then, find the bandages so i can bandage Guren and myself." I say to Shinya. "Hmph meanie always bossing me around." "Because I can it's my rank" "whatever (y/n)" he says giving me the bandages. I bandaged myself and Guren before we started cooking dinner together. It was very relaxing and fun I wish it were like this everyday.'

Hello everyone I'm here to say that updates will be coming but they will probably be unconsistant. My mom is getting a surgery right now that's removing half of her stomach and she won't be able to do anything herself for a couple of months so I'll be trying to help her and update for you guys

DISCONTINUED {Save Me} Guren X Seme Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now