Who are you

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I can read people very well
And I can read you
UR life is so messed up
And you made me realized how fortunate I am
But your amazing
You deal with things
Live without them
And find a way to ignore them
And work with them
And don't need things
You take the least that you need
Even though you can have more
You humble
And you don't need things to be happy
You take the minimum that you need
But we take more CUZ we can have more
But you don't ask for a lot
You deal with things as they come
You don't make a big deal
You know things come and you take it CUZ you know that you've been through worse
And you know you will have to get through it
Your not dramatic or selfish
And other people take advantage of this
And take things out on you
Because they know that you won't do much about it
But they don't know
That this is just LIEK another day to you
And you've been through worse
And that you can take it
People walk all over you
And you take the blame for them
And they feel bad and get even angrier over themselves for using you
You don't have a short temper
You don't break like ice
But when you do
Evryone stands back
CUZ they've never seen this side of you
And they don't know what's gonna happen next
Or what you'll do
You aren't the kind of person that gets mad
That makes them feel bad
They know something's seriously wrong
When your mad
CUZ you always have a smile or a neutral look on your face
And you don't show you feelings
This is you
This is what I perceive
And I love you
So please never leave

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