Glass and Clay

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I am very fragile
Though I may look tough
And so I am like glass
I take one fall
And pieces of me get chipped

But you have made a crack
And as the time goes on it gets bigger
And soon when it covers me
I will shatter 
And you should know you were at fault

The falls I take
I see it in slow motion and I see
 for which the first time i truly see you clearly
You don't bother catch me
For its not your fault
You just don't know and that's okay
I can deal

But it will take time for me
to find myself and collect my pieces
And to glue myself together
To feel alright again

But there is only one of us
So we can't make another

You are who you are
And be happy
For you only get my life
You were given the life you have now
For a reason and your the only one 

 take on your life
And you make the decisions
And even if you break, come back again
And stay strong
You keep getting stronger throughout your life

But I feel like I get smaller
And even more likely to hurt
But I know what I must do
Even if it's not my first choice
Remember everything happens for a reason
And you shall see what your reason IS

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