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This is for my book H2o Chapter 40


I just want everything to be normal and right

But I have realized that it cant

I am tired of hurting

Tired of people

Tired of trying

I am just wanting what everyone wants

We all are born in different families

Rich poor lucky not so lucky '



And what I have lived through is nothing compared to others

Even tho I am well I feel as unfortunate as those who live on dirt floors with little food

I am living in what others would never dream of

I need love

I give it out to people but never get any back

I am running out and when I do I don't have enough for me to go on

I let my vent through people to make me feel better

But it always hurts the person so I have to stop

But I cant It just makes me feel worse

I should have hurt myself but I know if I did I would feel worse afterward

So I am stuck

Where do I go?

Cuz its not getting me anywhere now is it?

I need  something to happen so I can get out of this position

But nothing is gonna get better

I have learned that now

I want to be happy cuz I have something to be happy about

Being judges and criticized

People tell everyone all the mistakes that you've made

And you cant deny it

All you can say is nobody is perfect

But do you really believe that?

Deep down you know its true

But to see some people its hard to believe

You may use that as an excuse

But everyone has problems

Some people are just better at hiding it

That's all

I am going to take all the blame

I am a messed up person ill admit it

But what more do you want?
some people may need more of something then others

Equal isn't everyone having the same thing

But I bet uv learned this when you were younger

Pretending to be happy is one thing

But actually having something to be happy about is another

And people who are happier live longer

But also people who are depressed are missing a chemical in their brain

People are born without certain body parts and chemicals for a reason?


But things always happen for a reason whether good or bad

The reason will come after it happened

But for now ill wait until the reason for life...and maybe figure out the reason for life as well

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