Home for Christmas

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When we got home David grabbed the bags while telling me to go and knock on the door. When the door opened my mum ambushed me and pulled me into the tightest hug. David came up behind me with the bags. My mum let us in before my dad took the bags from David. My mum then noticed the ring on my finger which made her grab onto my hand.

"Whats this?" mum asked

"david proposed" I replied

"WHEN?" Jade yelled running down the corridor in nothing but his boxers

"Just before we got in the car to come here" David replied putting his arm around me

My mum dragged me down to the kitchen and Jade dragged David down. My dad then entered as my mum cracked open the champagne.

"Whats the occasion?" dad asked

"Milly and David are engaged" Jade replied

My dad rushed over and tackled us both into a hug. David looked helplessly to me which made me laugh. The champagne was soon gone so we pulled out another bottle. At some point David disappeared outside to have a cigarette.

"How long have you and david been together?" Jade asked

"Just over a year" i replied

"im so happy" mum said

"Same"I agreed "David is wondeful"

When Christmas Day came David woke me with kisses.

"Merry Christmas honey" David said just before our lips met

"Merry Christmas" I replied parting for air

Then there was a knock on the door which I wasn't expecting. My mum rushed off to answer it while me and David got dressed. We began heading downstairs to see my mums friends son Owen stood by the door. I never liked Owen as he did try and beat me up a few times. He was always the school bully and there wasn't a single girl who suffered from his horrible actions. I clutched tighter onto David as nerves came over me.

"What's he doing here?" I asked

"He's coming here for Christmas. His parents have to work at the hospital and they sent him here" my mum replied

I knew it wasn't the truth, his parents don't work at the hospital anymore. I pulled myself closer to David as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I won't hurt you" Owen said

"How do I believe that?! Especially when everyday at school you would beat up a girl. How do I believe that you will spend Christmas without punching me!" I yelled

I stepped forward and did what I always wanted to do and punched him. He stumbled backwards as my mum scolded me. David made sure Owen couldn't do the same to me but I think he actually realised he deserved it. My mum pulled me into the office and shut the door.

"I brought Owen here cos you're going to marry him, not David. Don't get me wrong David is lovely but you need someone in you're life who will be successful in life" my mum explained

"What and you're saying David having number one hits isn't being successful?" I asked crossing my arms

My mum looked to the ground like she had done something wrong. I stayed waiting for an answer but i didnt get one.

"You know i love David with all my heart so why dont you let me marry who i want to?" I asked

"Because we've already booked the church for next August" my mum replied looking back at me

My mouth dropped open before i grabbed the closest thing to me, a lamp. I threw it to the floor making David rush in.

"is everything okay?" David asked

"Everythings fine" I replied glaring at my mum

I then stormed out of the room to actually enjoy christmas. Why does everything have to go wrong when its my first christmas with my perfect fiance and my now future husband. We sat down in the living room to open the presents but thats not what i was thinking about. David bought me a beautiful necklase that matched my ring slightly. Over the day the conversation with my mum just kept coming back to me everytime her eyes laid on me. Christmas was awful and not just becasue i knew i would have to break the engagement with David. With every second the marraige to Owen grew closer and i couldnt get the thought out of my head.

"Honey you okay?" David asked putting his hand gently on my shoulder

"Im fine" I replied putting my hand on his

I knew David knew something was wrong but i wasnt prepared to tell him, not on Christmas day.

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