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The day that followed Owen dragged me back to London and David promised he would follow after sorting things out with Angie. When we got back had to go strait to work. I hadnt spoken to James, Kristal and Juhi since i left for christmas and i had now been pulled out of Uni so i could marry a bitch. They didnt even know about Owen or what he was capable of. I wanted so much to talk to them but i couldnt.

"Get me some lunch honey" Owen ordered

God if he was David he would be telling me to sit down and making lunch himself.

"I have rules for you dont call me honey im not yours and never will be, and plus im pregnant with youre baby so why dont you go a little easy on me" I shouted throwing the tea towel at him

He clambered up and went to slap me but i stopped him with my hand. Then he grabbed my arm and began twisting it, trying to break it. I managed to pull away just as Owen pushed me up against the wall. His hand was round my neck and began squeezing. He managed to cut my wrist, the same one he tried to break, with his nails he hasnt cut in weeks.

He then let go of me before grabbing a knife. he managed to make many cuts on my wrist making blood go everywhere. I screamed in pain while trying to get him off me. I then rushed upstairs to get a bandage. I wrapped it arond my wrist to help support it and soak up the blood.

"Dont ever mess with me" I snarled at Owen as i walked past him and into the kitchen

"Well i just have" Owen replied

I managed to light a candle before throwing it at him, hitting him in the face. It burt his nose slightly but he tried to throw it back at me. I managed to slam the door shut and push the kitchen table in front of it. I cowered in the corner just hoping David would come. Then the front door opened. I didnt even know who it was but i didnt care. I heard muffled voices as tears began streaming down my cheeks.

"Milly its me" Jade said knocking on the kitchen door "Juhi, James and Kristal are here too"

I didnt even move as i just cried into my lap.

"Please let us in" James begged

I watched the door inch open to reveal Jades worried face.

"Sis" Jade muttered

Between the four of them they managed to push the door open and get in. Jade was pulling me into a hug strait away.

"Please call David, i want David" I cried out

Jade passed me to Juhi as he ran off.

"What on gods green earth is happening?" Kristal asked rubbing my shoulder

"My parents want me to marry Owen so i had to break the engagement with David. And Owen got me pregnant" I replied sobbing terribly

"Oh god" Juhi said holding me tighter

Then Jade came running back in and hugged me from behind.

"Davids on his way" Jade said

I softly smiled at the thought of Davids tight warming hug. Then the door opened. I jumped up and ran from the room, stopping to admire David. He opened his arms for me to fall into. I buried my head in his neck and didnt let go.

"Its okay, im here now" David reassured

I kept sobbing into his chest as he got me over to the sofa. The others began coming out of the kitchen but David told them to leave us.

"Where did Owen go?" David asked

"I dont know" I replied

David kept rubbing my back as he didnt let me go.

"Please can we get married soon" I begged

"Just wait my angel, just wait" David replied resting his head on top of mine

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