After The Engagement.

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After the engagement, Sarah was very over. She was showing her ring to everyone like everyone..... but after the engagement Sarah and Brent have lots of "fights". Sarah went out of America, she went to Dubai and she didn't tell Brent. She was not picking her phone because she left her phone in her house. One day, he call Sarah on her phone and Sarah's mother picked it and telled Brent that she's gone to Dubai. He was very angry because Sarah didn't tell him before going. After that, when Sarah came from Dubai. Her mother tell her that Brent was calling you so I said him that you're gone to Dubai. So please call him. She said; "Okay, I'll." She called him and Brent shouted at her and said; "Where we're you for the whole weekend?" She said; "Why you are shouting huh?" I was in Dubai with my friends. He said; "With Brooklyn, Ian and whoever." She said; "They're my old friends I trust them and you're not suppose to interrupt in my life." He said; "Oh, really? I think I'm your fiance I can interrupt in your life". She said; "You're interrupting in my life because I'm a woman?" He said; 'No! I'm interrupting cause I'm your fiance." She said; "Bye!" He said; "Okay! Idc bye!" After that, when Brent talked to Sarah he said; "Why you put Your pictures on Facebook?" She said; "can't I?" He said; "No!" You're not suppose to add your pictures on Facebook. She said; "Bye! I don't wanna talk to you know!" Afterwards, when Sarah talked to her mother she said; "Brent don't let me upload my pictures on Facebook, I don't know what's wrong with him". Her mother said; "You should leave him for a while, he'll be calm". Then Sarah said; "um. You're right I should."


Authors note: as I said you that I'll upload next chapter big so I Did. Actually, I'm busy tomorrow. So I was free now so I Did upload new chap. Hope you guys are liking it and voting it. :) Please to vote. Thanks. :) as I said you, you guys can message me anytime. ^.^

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