Brent's and Sarah engagement finished & university life was over!

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After 8 weeks of engagement, they both decided that they both can't live together for some reasons. So they just finished the engagement, and let me tell you one thing Brent also don't want to marry Sarah cause he likes Veruca, you'll see in other chapters. But, I'll not tell you guys now you have to wait. Anyways, when Veruca came back from university so she get a call from her professor Sir John and he was saying that to come to him on this weekend at 2:00 o'clock in afternoon, to his home this Saturday. She said; "Okay, I'll but why sir John?" Sir John said; "When you'll come then I'll tell you". So days past and Saturday was arrived, sir John was waiting for her. After a while she came, Sir John tell her to sit she was nervous that why sir John said to come to her, anyways, they both didn't say anything in a while. Then sir John said to one of his servant to bring coffee for her and me. Sir John then started to say her whatever he wants to say to her, he said; "Veruca you're like my daughter, listen me carefully. She was worried that what he is going to say her, then he said; "Brent called me and said; "Sir John I want to marry Veruca". Then sir John said to Brent; "Are you serious? You wanted to marry a girl who you don't even like?" Then Brent said; "Yeah, so? Can't I marry her?" Sir John said; "No, you can but I'm surprised!" Brent said; "Haha sir, I know". When sir John said this whole thing to Veruca She was very angry that how dare he said this thing to sir John. Then she said to sir John; "Sir I respect you, but I can't marry him you know my everything is different from him?" Sir John said; "I know, but.." She didn't let sir John to complete his sentence. Then she said in anger; "Sir, please I have to go". She was very very angry when she came to home. Her sister ask who was 2nd sister of her that; "Is everything, alright?" Veruca said; "Nothing is right, everything is wrong with me". Her sister said; "What happened?" Veruca said; "If you don't ask it's better!" Her sister said; "Okay, but come to eat lunch." Veruca said; "No! I don't wanna eat lunch". Her sister said; "Oh God, why are you getting angry on lunch? Come!" Veruca said; "Okay, I'm coming!"


Authors note: Thankyou everyone for voting and thank you so much for seeing my story. 170 people have seen my story and I'm so happy! :) 15 people voted but it's fine ^.^ I just want everyone to see my story! :') Thank you everybody ^.^ Have a great day☆ YOU can message me anytime as I said you all. :) I'll update more chaps soon! My test are finishing tomorrow so I'll try to update tomorrow! :)

Simple girl, but her life turned beautiful✨Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora