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Lucas pov

C:"okay guys for the next two weeks we will do a research project in a pair subject of your choice but must be school appropriate "
R:"do we choose our partner "
C:"yes you will "

As usual Maya and Riley paired up. Farkel surprisingly chose Nathan so I paired up with Brandon.
B:"I don't we have really met I'm Brandon"

We shake hands.
L:"Lucas "
B:"so you're the Lu....."

Riley came running and covered with mouth.
R:"I need to steal him just for a second "

Riley pov

I over heard Brandon and Lucas talking.
B:"I don't we have really met I'm Brandon"

They shake hands.
L:"Lucas "
B:"so you're the Lu...."

I ran as fast as I can to cover his mouth.

R:"I need to steal him just for a second "

We walked to the corner of the classroom and we sit on this bench.Brandon had his arm around me.
R:"what were you going to tell Lucas "
B:"I was just going to say that I've heard so much of him because you won't stop.talking about him"
R:"as far as he knows I don't like him anymore"
B:"you dont"
R:"of course I still like him he just won't tell me how he feels"
B:"so you're using me to get him jealous so he can step up and tell you how he feels"
B:"I don't get why people think you're so innocent"
R:"me either , you are okay with this right"
B:"of course I have always love are little evil schemes "
R:"me too"

We talk over our plan and we start laughing.

We walk back to our partners.

Lucas pov

Riley comes and covers Brandon mouth.

R:"I need to steal him just for a second "

They go and sit on the bench of the corner I see them talk and they stat laughing. Brandon starts walking toward me.

B:"sorry she just wanted to talk about our plans tonight"
B:"yea she wants to go watch the movie Boy Next Door"
B:"what's are project going to be about coewboy"
L:"the difference of how how a person acts aruoud a certain person. Like how Riley acts when she around me versus when she's around you"
B:"okay so I'll take her to a movie tonight and you'll take her To one tomorrow "

Brandon walks away.


Wait did I just agree that I have to ask Riley out for a movie. Ima be a nervous wreck.

Just another RUCAS storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora