I'm not a prize

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Riley POV

R:"I'll be right back " I run after Lucas.
R:"Lucas !" I yell
L:"What Riley!"
R:"Its been two years and I feel like we didn't even have a friendship  "
L:"We didn't"
R:"Yes we did and I miss my best friend I miss all four of us hanging out "
L:"that ring says otherwise "
R:"What was I only allowed to love you "
R:"No you hurt me and Josh build me back up he didn't care for the first few month I was still in love with you but I stopped and he has been right with me for two years and it will be more in the future"
L:"You guys are still gonna go to the same university"
R:"Yes I'll be with him at Columbia studying to be a doctor"
L:"See you there"
R:"Why won't you let me be happy"
L:"Who's stopping you "
R:"You are everywhere I go you are there"
L:"I'm still in your head"
L:"I will win you back Riley"
R:"I'm not a prize to be won"

With that I walk away.

J:"You ok"
R:"Yea I'm fine "

A\N :
Sorry for not updating yesterday and for this short chapter. I can believe people are actually reading my book thanks so much comment or message me what you think. Don't worry there is more to come.

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