Prompt 7

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"What's that smell?" Person A crinkle their nose, waving the air in front of them.

"That would be Person C." Person B responded, equally disgusted by what they saw.

Person C sat on the couch watching TV, and on the plate on their lap appeared to be blackened chunks of something.

"Ugh what is that?" Person A asked again as she stepped closer to Person C to get a better look at the charred mess on his plate. Looking up, Person C grinned

"There are few things better than chunks of cheese cooked beyond recognition ." He answered, putting another piece in his mouth.

"You HEATHEN. That's worse than gross." Person B made a gagging sound. Person A grabbed the plate while Person B held Person C.

"MY CHEESE!!!! YOU MONSTERS!!!!!!" Person C screeched as Person A dumped the burned cheese into the trash. Flipping Person B over them, they launched off the couch and ran at Person A. tackling them, the two wrestled, and some Person B joined as well.

A knock at the door stopped them. Person D opened the door.

"Hey guys I brought.... Chinese food... what are you doing?" they asked, addressing the heap that was Person A, B and C.

"Cheese" they all responded 

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