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"Ladies, meet Sara Lance, member of League of Assassins, better known as the Black Canary."

"Yeah, that's me."

"Where'd you put Cold and Heat Wave?" Babs asked.

"What? Oh. I have a special place for crooks like them. Trust me, they won't be around for a while," Sara lied. She's a really good liar. If I didn't know that she was dating him and took him back home, I never would've figured.

"Wow. Are you gonna..?" Jess asked, implying that she was going to kill them.

"What? Oh, no. I'm not a killer. Even if I'm a vigilante, I don't kill. I don't kill anyone, crook or not. I might be a member of the League of Assassins, but, if it's not necessary, I do not kill. The worst any crook's gonna get from me is a broken bone or two. That's it."

"Oh, okay. Anyways, you already met us at school, so we don't need to go through introductions and stuff, right? You know who's who?"

"Diana is Wonder Woman, Babs is Batgirl, Jessica is Green Lantern, Karen is Bumblebee, Kara is Supergirl, and Zee is Zatanna. Really nice code name there, by the way."

"Gee, thanks, Sara."

"Why is John here? Ohhhhh, you two were fu—" Kara started.

"ECNELIS!" I shouted. Okay, I do not want Diana to learn about these things yet. She can learn about them on her own. Not from Kara or whoever. "THANK YOU, KARA, THAT'S ENOUGH! And no, we weren't!" I cut her off, sharpening my words to daggers, giving her a glare. "Esrever," I chanted. Kara's voice turned back to normal. "Jesus, I hate magic."

"Keep saying senseless shit like that, and you'll hate it even more, Danvers. So, shut it," I told her before turning to John and Sara. "Alright, here's the grand tour. So, there are six main components of the HQ." I showed them around. "I know this isn't the biggest place, but—"

"You kidding? This is amazing. Who built this?" Sara asked. Babs raised her hand. "You're lookin' at her!! Oh, crud! I have a shift at Burrito Bucket!! Gotta go! Mr. O' Shaughnessy will kill me if I'm late again!!!" She exclaimed, running up the slide at a speed I didn't know possible. "Well, goddamn, she can fly," I said, chuckling. Five others came zooming down the slide. Is that..? Oh, this just got a lot more interesting...

"Hey, ladi—... wait, what's with the new girl?"

"Oh! Super Hero Boys, meet Black Canary."

"Sup. Sara Lance. Nice to meet y—..." Sara started before seeing Barry. 

"Barry?" She said the same time he said "Sara?" 

"Wait, you two know each other?" Kara asked. 

"Yeah... he and I used to go to the same school in Central City before he moved..." Sara replied hesitantly. It was awkwardly quiet for a few seconds until Hal stood up. "Oh, and by the way, if you're thinking about anything weird, don't try it, I got a boyfriend, and I could also put all of you on your asses in two seconds."

"She isn't kidding," I said.

"Really? Let's try that." They all started coming at her but she held her hand up, stopping them. "Hey, Zee, tie my right arm behind my back," she said, basically tossing Hal on his ass.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Tie it. Now. I just wanna embarrass these boys."

"Got it. Niartser," I chanted. Her right arm was pulled back and held by a purple rope. "Blindfold as well," she instructed. 

"Hold up... say that again?"

"Give me a blindfold and keep my dominant arm behind me. Who's fighting me again?"

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