Ch. 48

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"She gets more than a sprained ankle out there, and mark my words, you'll be sorry you didn't pull her out sooner," Dad threatened, walking to the door. Oh, shit—

"Lecnac," I muttered quickly, the portal I created disappearing into nothing. "Get away from the door," I commanded. Everyone walked away from the door, and we pretended like we weren't eavesdropping. Dad blew past us and stormed off into another room. "So... a few months?" I asked.

"Why am I not surprised you were eavesdropping?"

"A few months?" I repeated. "Yes. Well, that is, if you still want to be apart of this."

"Of course I do. I'm grateful to even have this opportunity, Batman. Thank you."

"Just watch out for yourself during missions. You slip up and get injured, I get blamed for it, and both of you probably leave the Justice League, and we're down two magicians, and our only ones at that."

"I can help with that, Batsy," John chipped. "And I can see why Zatara hates you so much," Batman muttered. "I do know a few people around that you lot could use on your ranks, if you're in need of more magic help around here. They might not like me the best, but, they'll listen to a bloke like you."

"You know what, that could be quite useful. Send me their information."

~Meanwhile, in a magic shop~

A raven-haired "parlor" magician, a tarot reader, if you will, was levitating off of a cushion, wind and cards surrounding her. The cards flipped over and flung to the ground, and revealed five people. She was placed down back onto her cushion, and she ran her hand over the cards, reading them. A black-haired Homo Magi, illusions and card tricks around. A blonde exorcist, surrounded by smoke and mystery. A spirit, left its body, stuck between worlds. "Zatanna. Hellblazer. Deadman." The final card. An ancient, surrounded by green, shrouded in age and dark magic. "Enchantress," she breathed before a vision came into her mind. The world. Burning. Ending. Demons. Running amok. Chaos. Everywhere...

"Must find them..." she muttered. "Save the world... Dark..."

~Zee's PoV~

"Well, your dad still doesn't like me, but, at least he isn't trying to kill me."

"Hey, it's in an improvement," I reminded. "Yes. Yes, it is." We shared a brief kiss before Batman gestured over to the rest of our friends. "I was so excited to be at the freaking Watchtower, and of course, with everything that I love, Gypsy gets in the way and screws it up. I have been waiting since we were offered a place on this damn team, and when I finally get to be on the freaking Watchtower, the goddamn Justice League Headquarters, and of fucking course my ex has to be there and screw everything up!" Cisco ranted. "Hey, Cisco, calm down," Sara said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, sorry," he apologized. "Well, let me show you around the rest of the Watchtower."

"How did you come across a high-tech headquarters like this?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. Not many can come across a place like this. "This was... a generous gift from the Wayne Foundation," Batman responded. "I'd bet my money on Batman an' that Wayne knob-head being the same person," John muttered in my ear before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and running his hand through it. "This is the first training room."

"You have multiple?" Sara asked. "Yes. We have three." Her eyes lit up at those words like a child on Christmas morning. "I'm gonna love this place."

"As I was saying, this is the first training room that we have. We mostly use this for fighting simulations."

"What are the others supposed to be for, if they aren't used for fighting simulations?"

"One is for sparring, and the other one is a backup, if you will, or, it's used for everything else," he explained before leading us to another room. "What is this thing used for?" Hal asked, looking around at the blank room with only a table and chairs. "Meeting room. The rest of this place is basically just for living quarters and a kitchen and whatever else you might find in a normal base. The Zeta-Beam that you all came through helps with getting everyone to where the missions are, and well, most of the supers, they're living split between their home city and here." He led us into another wing of the place, seeing the rest of the rooms. "Well, these are the spare rooms. You are welcome to stay, and anytime you need a place to crash, you're welcome to stay here." A loud alarm sounded into the headquarters. "Gotham in trouble," an automated voice said. "And... that's my cue. I've gotta go. Ramon, I'm trusting that you can help the others out of here, and then Zatanna can hopefully take it from there."

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