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Heh heh heh...

I have successfully hacked into my younger sister's account!

Now I can write something funny dat happened today.

I was trying to brush my teeth while meh sister was trying to talk to me.

"Let me brush my teeth in peace!" I tried to say through a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Your teeth are floppy teeth?" She misheard only slighty.

LOTS of laughter.

Some time earlier... I can command my sister using the power of...

Chips. Specifically Takis chips.

I was trying to talk to her. She was trying to read an intense chapter on wattpad. She starting screeching like a pterodactyl, scaring off a cat that had been trying to eat dinner.

I held up a chip. She screeched, telling me to stay away. I told her to quiet down and fetch the cat.

She only agreed to one.

I moved the chip closer.

She fetched the cat.

Yes, she is scared of chips. Spicy, covered in red sauce chips.


I should give the phone back now.

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