i JuSt GoT A StOry IdEa

15 1 0

We're all weird in this family :)


Me and my other sister, who I will call Hill, were sitting on the couch and it was almost dead quiet, when she suddenly she slid down so she was laying down but her feet were flat on the ground and said,

Hill: i JuSt GoT A StOry IdEa!! !

La meh: What the frick.
You had to do this, *does the exact same pose as la meh other sister* just to randomly tell me you've got a story idea.

Hill: Yeah

La meh: Good job.

Hill is my older sister and Banana is my younger sister, so i'm the middle child. Well we have another sister (who will make an entrance later) who is older than Hill, So Hill and I are the middle children.

Peace Out!


Weird things that have happened to me. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin