" Guidance from Barbatos "

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Part 3


It is now the next weekday, which means back to Monday. It is a new surprising day for you today since you will be enrolling into RAD since your dear brother Diavolo requested you to. I guess this can be a way to make new friends around and maybe spend more time with the ones you already know. So why not just give it a try?

You went on and tried on your new RAD uniform, you will be joining Diavolo and Lucifer at the student council room since you will be a special guest around here. After trying on your new RAD uniform you went up to the mirror to see if it fits you well.

" Hmm.. " You said. " This isn't so bad i guess.. " You mumbled to yourself, trying different poses infront of the mirror to get a better view at the front and back of your uniform. As you were distracted checking yourself out with the uniform, you heard a knock on the door. You turn your head to your bedroom door to check who it was. As you opened the door, it was Barbatos holding out tea to you.

" Good Morning Princess (Y/N), it is a beautiful day today here at Devildom..here, have some tea. " Barbatos said, handing you out the tea he made. You gently hold it and took a sip of the tea as it was still completely warm. You let out a sigh after finishing it, giving the empty teacup to Barbatos.

" Thankyou, that made me feel better..and. Oh! Where is Diavolo by the way? Me and him are suppose to meet up here as he is finish doing some business regarding about school work. " You said, holding your both hands together.

" He is at the main entrance. Would you like to go see him there, Princess (Y/N)? " Barbatos ask with a delightful smile on his face.

" Oh! I would love that. Tho i might have troubles walking down the stairs as we head there.. You see. I am wearing new black heels so.. " You said, looking down at your feet that is wabbling from the heels. About to lose balance, Barbatos quickly catches you with his left hand. Helping you to stand back up again.

" Hmm..i see, very well then. Let us go. Shall we? " Barbatos said, handing out his hand to you. A fade blush appears on your face as he takes your hand, walking you with him downstairs. You felt like as if you are going to a ball as Barbatos being your partner. But that's just your fantasy dreams getting to you.

As you both arrived downstairs, heading for the main entrance. Diavolo was there waiting for the both of you to arrive. He looks behind and sees you and Barbatos holding hands. He runs up to the both of you greeting you a " Good Morning " .

" Good Morning (Y/N)! I see Barbatos has helped you walk down there with you wearing new heels, are you sure you can walk down the halls of RAD without Barbatos's help? " Diavolo ask, looking down at your feet still wabbling from the heels.

" I am perfectly capable of doing so, i'm getting a little comfortable with these on so i will be fine.. " You said.

" Good to hear, now. Let us go to RAD now. " Diavolo said, taking you and Barbatos there.

( At RAD . . . )

As you three arrived inside the school, you can hear the sweet devilish music playing in the radio around the halls.

" Serve you as my Princess " A Barbatos x Demon Princess Y/N fanficWhere stories live. Discover now