Bush Baby

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Another Nigerian urban legend.

It is said that the Bush baby is an animal that mimics the cry of a baby. It also carries a mat with it so many people tend to link it with the jinn with the mat.

It's been reported mostly by students in boarding houses. According to a student who vows her friend had an encounter which she discovered after reading her journal.

"it comes to the windows and start crying and if your curiosity gets the best of you and you go out to check, I'd make you an offer you can't refuse. It'd open the mat and show you a whole lot of money. Then it'd tell you that if you can successfully keep it for seven days, all that money and much more would be yours.
However, what the creature won't tell you is that, during those seven days, it'd try VIOLENTLY to get the mat back from you and given it's magic like powers, he'll succeed and that's what results in the deaths."

Her friend had been found at the back of a class, her eyes mashed in their sockets and her throat showed signs of restraints.

Many students have learned to ignore or simply plug their fingers in their ears when they hear the cries of a baby.

Curiosity does kill the cat!

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