Boots Conley| #1

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⚠️Warning⚠️ swearing, use of guns, blood and mentions of drugs

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⚠️Warning⚠️ swearing, use of guns, blood and mentions of drugs.


Boots and his girlfriend, Y/N, had just arrived at a field where they were meeting Cooper, his brother and friend who were waiting for them. Y/N couldn't shake off the bad feeling she was getting, there was something in her telling her that something bad was going to happen.

As if feeling her distress, Boots turned to his girlfriend and placed a hand on her thigh, making her turn to him with worried filled eyes.

"Baby, it'll be fine. We'll give him wha he wants, he'll give us the money and it'll be over before you know it" He stated softly, trying his hardest to reassure the girl.

"I know, it's just--just get it done quickly. For all you know, he could turn a gun on you and that'll be it" Y/N stressed, gripping onto his hands tightly.

"It'll be okay, baby. Just stay in the car, okay. If you're right about him, i don't need you getting hurt, okay" He said, gaining a hesitant nod in return. Placing a kiss on her kips, the teen grabbed the bag of pills and got out the car.

Y/N watched nervously from the passenger seat, as Boots walked over to Cooper's brother. Marcus gave Boots the money, who handed him the pills. But when Boots opened the bag, his whole body went tense which didn't go unnoticed by his girlfriend.

The girl gasped when she saw Marcus and his friend pull out guns, seeing them now aimed at Boots. Without thinking, Y/N got out of the car and stood beside her boyfriend. Looking over his shoulder, the girl saw that the bag was filled with magazines instead of money.

"I see you brought your little bitch with you. Hmm, pity she's gonna have to watch you die" Marcus spat, as he undid the safety.

The two collapsed to the ground, as two shots were fired. Another shot was fired, but Boots noticed that it came from the within the trees of the forest.

The teen was in panic mode, his green eyes moving in different directions. He saw that Marcus had been hit, now laying on the ground dead.

Multiple more shots were fired, making Cooper run to his car and sped away from the scene. Marcus' friend fired bullets towards the mystery shooter, but he too had been hit and he quickly fell to the ground dead.

The field was now quiet, the only sound was Boots' heavy breathes and the sound of his beating heart.

Suddenly, the sound of someone gasping caught his attention. Boots' head snapped in the direction of the noise, his eyes widening when he saw Y/N laying on the grassy ground bleeding and groaning in pain.

"Y/N/N?! Oh my god. Shit, shit!!" He exclaimed, quickly crawling towards her and placed his hand on her wound which was bleeding fast. Y/N let out a breathy scream, a sharp pain running through her body.

"I know it hurt's, baby. I'm so fucking sorry, this is all my fault" Boots cried, his hands now covered in his girlfriends blood.

Footsteps could be heard from behind him, but he kept his eyes on the girl on the ground. A hand was placed on his shoulder, the sound of his brothers voice broke through the gasps and groans of pain.

"We need to get her to the hospital right now" Kip said sternly, helping Boots move Y/N into the back of his car. While Kip drove, Boots was in the back now using his jacket to stop the bleeding.

"Yo-You'll be okay, baby. J-Just stay with me" Boots stuttered, his eyes clouded with tears.


It had been four hours since Kip and Boots took Y/N to the hospital, and she was instantly taken into surgery. Luckily the bullet hadn't hit an vital organs, so she would be able to make a full recovery.

Y/N was sleeping peacfully in a hospital bed, with Boots sitting by her side and holding her hand. Kip had gone back to the field, and gotten rid of any evidence of them being there. Boots was half asleep when he felt his girlfriend's hand squeeze his.

Looking over, his eyes met with Y/N's beautiful E/C ones. He quickly moved off the chair, and pulled her into a gentle hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Y/N/N. I was so scared that you---" He started to say, as tears ran down his face.

"Hey, baby I'm okay. Are you okay. You didn't get shot, right?" The girl asked, looking over his body for any bandages.

"I'm fine, baby. I only care about you and the fact that you're alive, and well" He spoke softly, grazing his fingers over her cheek gently.

"I love you, Bootsy" Y/N smiled.

"I love you too, baby. Even when you don't listen to me" He answered, making the two of you laugh.

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