Patrick Hockstetter| #3

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⚠️Warning⚠️ death, gun use and swearing

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⚠️Warning⚠️ death, gun use and swearing


Being the twin sister to Henry Bowers is never easy, but there isn't much you can do.

Henry and I have always been close, attached to the hip even. Everyday we have to endure abuse from our father, and we always help each other. We're both very protective of each other, and if anyone fucks with us, we'll deal with them.

We're also part of a group, Bowers gang. Ironic I know, but it works. There's Vic who's the quiet one, Belch who has the car and then there's Patrick. A fucking psycho, but I love him.

We've been dating for over a year now, and honestly it's been great. You would think that someone like Patrick wouldn't have feelings, or know how to love. But that all changed when we met.

Right now the gang and I are hanging out at our house. Henry had one of dad's guns, and was shooting bottles. I was leaning against Patrick, while his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Hey look at the next target over there" Henry said to Belch, while looking at a cat. Belch hesitantly moved over, picked up the cat and held him while Henry got ready to shoot.

What none of us knew, was that dad was walking up behind us.

"What the hell's going on here?" I heard him ask, I tensed against Patrick and I felt him squeeze my waist. Henry and I turned, facing the older Bowers.

"Just cleaning your gun, like you asked" I mumbled, standing next to Henry and wrapping my hand around his forearm.

"You cleaning my gun huh" he said, walking closer towards us. Henry went to speak, but dad yelled making all of us flinch. Dad grabbed the gun from Henry, and we thought he was leaving but he turned back to us.

Raising his hand, he pulled the trigger, sending three bullets close to our feet. Henry raised his arms to his face, while i stood my ground.

"Look at them now boys, ain't nothing like a bit of fear to make them crumble" he spat. Henry stood there shaking, but I was furious and I walked towards him. This caught his attention.

"You got something to say?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Yeah, fuck you" I spat, and I watched as dad's eyes went dark and a look of an her crossed his face. Next thing I knew, his hand smacked me across the face. My head snapping sideways, and I could here the guys gasp.

"You better watch your mouth girl, or you're gonna get it" he threatened, but I didn't back down. When he turned, I punched him in the back of the head. Which made him fall to the ground, also dropping his gun.

"Y/N stop, he'll kill you" I heard Henry cry out to me, I didn't listen.

I went to grab the gun, but was knocked down and I felt his hands wrap around my neck. I gasped violently, clawing at his hands. Thankfully, Patrick smacked him across the head with a shovel.

Gasping, I took as much oxygen in as I could. I grabbed the hand gun, and stumbled upon my feet. I aimed the gun at my dad, shaking in anger. He just looked up at me and smirked.

"Are you gonna shoot me little girl? You and your brother are nothing but pathetic children, you should've died when your moth-" I screamed loudly, pulling the trigger until the clip was empty.

Then it was eerily quiet, no one moved and no one spoke. Like a switch, my brain turned back on and I realised what I did. I dropped the gun, and backed away from my now dead dad.

But I didn't cry, I wasn't sad for what I did. I was just shocked that I had the balls to do it. I also felt relief, relief that Henry and I will never have to suffer because of our dad ever again.

"Y/N/N, Y/N" I heard, and I turned to see it was Henry. He looked shocked but he didn't look scared. Quickly, I pulled him into a tight hug.

"We're safe Hen, we're gonna be okay" I whispered, as Henry shook in my arms and I could feel him hug me tight. I pulled away slightly, resting my head against my brothers and held his face.

"Why don't you go inside and get cleaned up, I'll deal with this, okay" I whispered, feeling him nod and watched him walk into he house.

I sighed deeply, rubbing my eyes. I then turned to the boys.

"Vic, Blech can you go make sure he's okay and help him if he needs it. Also make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" I ordered them, to which they nodded and walked into the house.

"Pat I'm gonna need your help to clean this up" i said, but before we could do anything, Patrick pulled me into a hug.

"You did the right thing baby" he mumbled against my neck.

You see I told Patrick what Henry and I had been going through. I remember how pissed off he was, and he was about ready to kill my dad but I stopped him.

I sighed once again, pulling away from his embrace.

"Come on, we need to deal with this, and quickly"

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