Knife To The Tree- Alania

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Alania was crouched behind a bush looking at the tree. Her gown was getting in the way and hopefully, it wouldn't trouble her from completing her task. This is why I never wear dresses. Heaven forbid I wear pants to a ball.

All while admiring the village, Alania realized what had just happened. She saw Everett. She was taken aback when she saw him, he was different. It had been five years so of course he wouldn't look the same. Alania was almost intrigued, he wasn't the short lanky boy she once knew. Everett still had the same grin but he grew into his body, and boy did she like what she saw. But, Alania wouldn't let these thoughts get the best of her. The only reason she liked it was because it would make killing him more enjoyable.

There he was, her long-lost enemy walking up to the tree. This what she trained for, she was going to kill the boy she loved to hate. Everett's tall dark stature came into view as he looked up at the tree. Maybe he was looking for her, and maybe he was thinking he would get away. 

"You know Alania. It's quite funny how we are meeting again under the same moon." Everett said with not a quiver in his voice. Alania didn't care what remark he had to say, she only had one thing on her mind. 

While Everett continued speaking she lifted up under her gown and grabbed the blade that rested against her thigh, the only familiar thing she had. She slowly crept up behind him with her shining blade in hand. Alania got close to him and threw her right arm across his body. She could feel his muscles tensing as she moved closer, his body getting warm to the touch. She drew the blade in her left hand up against his neck. Alania could feel his lungs expanding, and even though he was tense, he seemed calm. And she hated it. Alania wanted him to be as scared as he was when the soldiers took him.

"Well, that's not a way to greet your guests is it," he said through his teeth. "Seems like your still the same fiery girl I remember." Alena turned him around and shoved him against the tree. "Did you really want to see my face that badly? I know I'm handsome but I would have turned around if you asked me," Everett said with a mischievous grin as his burning brown eyes shot back at her.

 Alania stared right back into them, "I just wanted to watch your face as I killed you. I honestly thought that you would be more of a struggle," she said with a passion of hate inside of her.

"I could have attacked you first, but I wanted to see what all the talk was about." he paused. "I think I know why you're here, it's because of your parents. Such a shame you know, it was their own fault they got kidnapped anyway."

 "You say that again and I will make sure your death is slow and painful. Besides Everett, I'm not the only one without parents." she saw slight fear that trailed over his face but it quickly faded away.  

"But my dear Alania you don't want to do kill me."

"Of course I  do, that sarcasm is one reason why I want to. And why shouldn't I? So your stupid guards don't kill me, so I don't  get hunted and hanged. Even if I do die, I will die knowing that I fulfilled my wish of killing you." 

"No Alania,  you don't want to kill me because I know where your parents are."

Alania held her breath as her heart plummeted in her chest. Her eyes filled with biting tears, but she quickly blinked them away not letting Everett know she cared. She wouldn't let himself show any emotion, it was the thing that hurt her in the past.

 "And why would I trust you." Alania continued.

"Because you always trust me." 

"That was 5 years ago, and before you took my parents," she said pushing the knife deeper into his throat, "But tell me where they're at, and if it seems logical I may consider letting you live."

"I think you should put the knife down and then we can discuss where your parents are. You know unless you're enjoying this situation right now." Everett said with a smirk.

"Just shut up and tell me where they are," Alania screamed.

 "If you insist darling. They are at the escamontion tower." It was the tower that was forbidden, Alania had not heard of that place in years. It was a tower that took two days to get to on foot, just past the village. Alania remembered her parents telling her about it and to never go near it. They said that it was rounded by soldiers. It was a place they told everyone not to go, but a smart move on the shoulders half for putting them where no one would look. Everett might be bluffing to save his own skin but, she trusted him, and she hated herself for it. Alania might regret this later but if there was a chance he wasn't lying, then she could see her parents again. Then again, Alania was going to kill him either way. 

"Here's what's gonna happen," Alania whispered, "You're going to take me there and if you pull any stunts, I will kill you with no hesitation" 

"You have yourself a deal, my lady. But first, take the blade off my neck." 

"Fine," she said as she pulled it away. 

Even if Everett was lying, there was a chance he wasn't, there was a chance that she would see her parents again. Hopefully, he was telling the truth. "Now tell me what we have to do."

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