Chapter 1

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It's 2:40 in the morning and Tyler is still awake, his brain filled with useless thoughts he wishes to forget. Its not the first time Tyler has been up this late. In fact, most of the time, he lies awake until early hours in the morning. Insomnia.

He likes to stare at the glow in the dark star stickers that have been on his ceiling for as long as he can remember. They remind him of when things weren't so chaotic.


His phone makes a small noise, signaling he has a text message. He rolls over onto his stomach, opening his messages.

Sleep isn't just sleep anymore. Its an escape. And yet, i don't get that escape, because i can never sleep.

Tyler shrugs to himself, thinking that someone probably texted the wrong number. Usually he would let them know, but at that very moment, he couldn't bring himself to care.

The person has a point though. Tyler knows how they feel. Sleeping is peaceful. You don't have to think about all of the things going wrong in your life. You don't have to be stressed out or overwhelmed.

He tosses his phone to the end of his bed, sighing to himself.

He lets his brain run its course.

Thinking about everything going wrong in his life.

Thinking about everything he might have to do tomorrow.

Thinking about all of the things he needs to get done, that he probably wont do.

He feels himself finally slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

2:45 AM (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now