end of the day.

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                                                                SAYAKA POV

    me and muku have been together since that day, im still with my band but no new music only tours. i invited muku to my latest live, most of the time they cant make it, she has to do alot of work while being my manager so i understand her, but there was something special about this concert.

   i was going to propose.

     one of us had to eventually? she took that step of confessing so im taking the step of proposal, ass any good girlfriend would. said live was in about a week from today, i have the ring ready so i just need to make sure the"fans" would also get to see. no one of the fans knew we were dating, but they have seen her on stage once or twice.

                                               blah blah time skip to concert!

        i wasnt ready, my brain was going to expose. i was going to propose to the whole world.. none of my fans even knew i liked girls and i barley told my bandmates?! we were backstage as i hid the ring in my pocket. it was a nice simple, single-diamond ring. both of us loved simplicity so i just took bets on it.

      the plan was, perform until the end, play a slow dance song at the end, pull mukuro on stage to dance, then when the song ends get on one knee..! that is sure to work! in my head at least...

    "sayaka you ok? somethin seems on your mind?" that was one of my bandmates, they are all so caring its unreal

"o-oh yeah of course! just.. nervous per usual!" that was a lie. this was much worse than normal impatience.

"got it! well, sayaka, we get on stage in 30 so finish any touch ups needed!"

that didnt help. i could already hear the crowd cheering, mainly chants of quotes from our songs but i could hear so many people.. i checked the VIP section, i couldnt SEE muku but i knew she was there i could feel it in my intuition. i told the guards to let her in whenever so she could be walking in any minute...

  it was time, we all started singing, we barley had to i couldnt hear my voice over people screaming the words, it made me feel.. either rejected or nice, i couldnt tell. i stared into the crowd, i would be proposing in front of these 100,000+ people, not fun if i would say.

songs passes one by one, we were on the seventh of ten, no sight of mukuro. i had to complete the show, we were on the eighth song, i looked down to the bit at the front of the stage, i  had stopped singing, mukuro had been there... she went for me.

   i started crying and pulled her up on the stage, everyone was confused "darling did you think i wouldnt come?" her voice was so sweet then,

  i had composed myself but mukuro was still on stage, she knew all my songs so i let her hum besides me. we were almost finished with the ninth song, it was almost time for the final. it was instrumental so we didnt have to worry about singing in it

"mukuro, dance with me please!" i said into the mic, hardcore fans knew who she was, the manager, but oh boy were they in for something.

  "now why wouldnt i sayaka?" they always had a smirky comment after what i said, there are so many little things i love about her and thats one.

the song started, our fingers intertwined her eves sparkling in the light. almost as if the world isnt watching

"sayaka? did you know this was always my favorite you wrote, reminds me of us. smooth in the begging odd bumps in the middle smooth in the end!"....it was about us, i made it to be like that.

"silly thats who it is about! i made it.. for you?!"

"you mean for us? its our song after all"

"ah yes- our song"

by the end of that conversation the song ended, normally this extra bit would be for saying thanks but i had more important things. i dragged muku to one of the lifting platforms and we headed up. the cameras were on us, no one expected this.

i started kneeling "mukuro, through the long years of high school and beyond, i had never met someone like you. you lit up my life the moment you had walked in it! i was shocked at first, but now its a nice shock" i started pulling the ring out "mukuro ikusaba, i love you. i have one last question to ask you, will you marry me?!"

everyone was shocked, muku, the bandmates, the crowd, and even me. there was one audible gasp from the crowd, the suspense was so stress-

"yes! yes i do sayaka!" she dipped me down as we kissed, there was cheers from the crowd and my friends, this is the happiest moment of my life, well until the ACTUAL wedding


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