Music and Instruments

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Gideon: Gideon never was one for singing unless he had some alcohol in him and was surrounded by others with a musical disposition. Drinking tunes were the only thing you would ever have a chance of hearing him sing. As for an instrument, bongo drums. A simple instrument for a simple man. He didn't want to learn something too complicated. The simplicity of the instrument allowed him to learn quickly. He didn't need something complex. He didn't want to show off. He just wanted to make music.

Jace: Jace wouldn't be caught dead singing. It's not that he isn't capable of doing so, it's just that he hates his singing voice. Whistling and humming, however, are a surprisingly common noise to escape the mindmage's lips. For an instrument, Jace chose the elegant Piano. Intricate and sophisticated, just like the man behind the keys. He's no Elton John; his music steering clear from jaunty tunes and dancing: he prefers classical music. Beethoven is always a recurring artist for his performances. Given the chance, if he ever stumbles across one, he may play a short piece to relax himself, not making much out of it. It's not a matter of impressing those around him, it's a matter of respecting the instrument.

Liliana: Liliana doesn't sing. Not in public, anyway. If she is alone, she may sing to herself. She's very self-conscious about her voice and who hears. Despite this, her voice is nothing short of angelic, for lack of a better word. If you're good enough friends, she may even eventually feel comfortable enough to sing with you around. She also plays acoustic guitar, an instrument her brother taught her when she was younger. She hardly ever picks one up, pained by the memories the instrument conjures, but there are rare occasions where she will play herself a tune.

Chandra: Chandra sings. Plain and simple. She sings, and she doesn't care who hears or what people say. She's always loud and proud about it, and her impromptu performances never fail to bring a smile to your face. She never learned an instrument, finding the process too tedious. She prefers her musical experience to be nothing more than the greatest instrument nature had given her: her own voice.

Nissa: Nissa only sings to herself or the world around her. When she is alone, it is not uncommon for her to softly sing an old elvish tune from her childhood, and with animals, she loves to sing for them, never failing to spark glee. Like Liliana, Nissa is also a guitarist, but she is far more open about the ordeal. Given the opportunity, she will play, singing to accompany her strumming. She may not always have a particular song in mind when she plays, content with just letting her hands idly play.

Nicol Bolas: An elder dragon? Singing?! Not in a millennia! What sort of bumbling oaf do you take THE FOREVER SERPENT to be?! While he does not curse those around him with an attempt at vocals, Bolas has recently began to learn an instrument: the humble Ukulele. Trapped within The Meditation Realm, Bolas managed to get some pity from his eternal warden and brother, Ugin, who brought him the diminutive instrument as a tool to help him reflect on what he had done. After a lot of groveling and complaining, Bolas did eventually start, and so far, he isn't half bad.

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