First Dates

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Hello, Seal here to clarify something. Bolas is exempt due to him being a dragon and a heartless monster with no need for companionship. He'll just brood in the Meditation Realm with his Ukulele, playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow".

Gideon: Gideon never really managed to get into the dating scene due to his tumultuous past. He was mostly busy fighting and practicing his hieromancy. With a date, however, nowadays, he would be very relaxed about it. A simple walk in the park, sightseeing, maybe a movie and dinner. He would be a perfect gentlemen about it, and no "shenanigans" would take place on the first date. He would simply bring you home, kiss you, and be on his way.

Jace: Jace would do everything within his power to make sure a first date would be flawless. In the days before, he would do nothing short of interrogate you to find out your interests, likes, and dislikes. When the day arrives, you will find he has planned everything around you. If you like theater, he'll haggle with people to get tickets. If you want to go to a restaurant, he'll gladly pay for any meal you wish. At the end of the night, well, that's also up to you. He will kiss you, but if you want to take it further, he will happily oblige.

Liliana: You're on crack if you think she isn't expecting the royal treatment. She'll want an expensive restaurant to start off. After that, she'll want to go out and see what the night life has in store. She'll want either a club or a bar, oddly. At either, she'll drink. Oh, she will drink. She won't get hammered, but perhaps a little tipsy. When you've decided she has had enough, you will take her home, despite her complaining. When you arrive, she will insist on treating you to one last drink, and cuddling up to watch a movie. During the whole thing, she will be very... Forward. Her hands will wander across your body absent-mindedly, coming dangerously close to more sensitive areas. After that, she will go to bed, but not before making it clear she would be disappointed if you didn't join her.

Chandra: Chandra is, of course, carefree about the whole ordeal. She's one of those girls who likes to do things. as they arrive. Bars are a must. Chandra is a fiery party animal, and it comes as a surprise to no one when she manages to rouse an entire tavern into a bout of song. After many drinks and fun times, you will take her home, where she will invite you in. Upon entering, she will sit down on a couch with you, and promptly fall asleep in your arms. Even if you want to leave, you simply can't bring yourself to do so. Sitting there with her laying against you, it would be a crime to wake her.

Author's note: looking back on this, I really did turn Nissa into a goddamn Disney princess lmao

Nissa: It should come as a surprise to no one when Nissa is the most mellow of all those mentioned in here. A date would be a walk in nature. Any wildlife you come across would not even be startled by your presence, and would simply accept the fact you are there. For a meal, Nissa will insist on making a delicious home cooked meal for both of you. At the end of the night, she will offer for you to stay, but also make it clear nothing more than sleep will occur, which is fine by you. You're just happy to have the opportunity to spend more time with this lovely woman.

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