At A Party

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Gideon: Surprisingly, Gideon takes part in the drinking to an extreme. He's no lightweight, either, keeping his wits about him several drinks in. He is both the life of the party, and the voice of reason. He stops fights, he makes sure people are entertained, and when all is said and done, he helps the host clean up. A well-behaved guest, and a fine addition to any festivities that may take place.

Jace: Jace doesn't like parties at all. If he could go the rest of his life never having to partake in one, he absolutely would. If he has no choice, he'll simply stick to the less rowdy crowd, attempting to find like-minded people. If you offer him a drink, he will accept, but only after telepathically checking you didn't slip him something.

Liliana: When it comes to parties, Liliana loves to make an impression on guests. She will retain her poise throughout most of, if not all, of the ordeal, but she will also make sure everyone knows shes the star. She's always dressed to thrill, making sure all eyes are on her. When it comes to drinking, it could go either way. She could end up just a little tipsy, or almost passing out.

Chandra: A pyromancer at a party. How do you think this is going to go? It's chaos, and everyone loves every second of it. She's always at the forefront of festivities, pushing for something bigger and better than the last. Similar to Gideon, she is also a drinker, but a little worse at holding her liquor. When all is said and done, she'll most likely be nursing a hangover, curled up in your lap, sleeping it off.

Nissa: Nissa isn't the biggest fan of parties, at least not the kind you and I are used to. She's the one who plans them, not partaking. If she needs to, however, she will be reserved and well-kept, staying with the more calm bunch. If she does drink, it will be in moderation. Should a conflict break out, she won't hesitate to use her magic to animate nearby plant life to break things up.

Nicol Bolas: ...Does not party. He prefers to bask in his own glory, attended to by undead servants, reveling in the suffering of those beneath him. Should he somehow manage to get invited to a party, if he doesn't bring about the apocalypse, he's a showboat, constantly flaunting his magical prowess to entertain his guests, needing to be the center of attention.

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