40//: The Test; Part Two

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You all walk around a city-like terrain, looking for other contestants. So far there hasn't been anyone. You hear Mesa over the speaker.

"52- no 53 people have passed. 120 have been eliminated," he says. We better find some people, quick. You, Kirishima, and Denki follow Bakugo up a ladder to the top of a bridge.

"Hey Kaminari, why'd you follow us?" Kirishima asks.

"I dunno. Cause you guys started running. I didn't want to end up alone. Where are we going?" he asks.

"Shut up!" Bakugo yells.

"Why you always gotta sound so mad?"

"I told you Bakugo, you need to chill out," Kirishima says. You clear your throat.

"Ahem, I too, have the same question. Are we wandering around or is there a destination we are going towards?" you ask.

"Go die," Bakugo yells at you guys. You roll your eyes as you reach the top of the ladder. Bakugo stomps on the bridge when Kirishima pushes him out of the way.

"Look out!" he yells. He gets hit with what looks like a blob of flesh. It drags him into the air and deforms him into a mound of flesh himself. You scrunch up your face.

"What a strange quirk."

"What the crap! Did that really just happen?" Denki shouts. Bakugo smirks.

"All I know is that it looks like that guy's to blame," he says. Holding Kirishima is a boy with purple hair. Around him are other flesh balls. He's from that school earlier-  Shiketsu. "So I'll kill him."

"I'm from Shiketsu. Please notice. Our school keeps our hats on while we're working. Why's that? Because each and every one of our movements is crowned by the legacy and honor of our school. This is a demonstration. Proof of the difference in level between my peers and your vulgar class. We value appearance and dignity- things that appear to be lacking among you." The boy says. You three stare at him for a second before you laugh.

"Nice speech buddy. But you see the thing is... I don't care," you grin. He narrows his eyes.

"I really hate your type," Bakugo smirks at him.

"He's hard to follow. Makes me feel kinda dumb," Denki says.

"He said his beady eyes are full of tears so he can't see how strong his opponents are," Bakugo says. You laugh and high-five him.

"My eyes are dry and handsome, thank you!" the boy yells.

"Hey um, maybe don't provoke him!" Denki says. "Look what he did to Kirishima!" Bakugo scoffs.

"UA High. I have respect for your school. I take pride in the fact that our institutions are treated as equals," he says. "but your class is shameful. You act in ways that disgrace heroes!" Fleshy-finger things float above him.

"He's attacking again! I don't wanna be gross!" Denki says.

"Shut up!" Bakugo yells. "Obligation? Dignity? you just like to hear yourself talk. I don't see any proof. Show us with your actions! Not your words!" Bakugo says.

"You're worst of all, Bakugo!" the boy yells. He sends the flesh towards a charging Bakugo. He blasts them all with AP Shots, destroying them. They float back to the boy and attach to his arms.

"So those nasty finger things just float back to him?" Denki asks. The boy attacks again. You hold your arm to the side.

"I've got this one... Lightning Ambush!" You yell. Clouds form above you in an instant and strike all the fingers with lightning. They explode and float back to the boy. You smirk. "Well, that was easy."

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