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The alarm buzzed way too early. My eyelids were still heavy and all I wanted was to go back to sleep. As my eyes fluttered open, I remembered what I saw last night. I sighed and sat upright.

The whole thing left me annoyed and frustrated, and frankly, kind of bitterly disappointed. All I wanted to go was forget I saw anything and forget I ever even tried to be friends with Chiara. Maybe it was the right time to finally focus on myself. Maybe I'd even stop taunting Josh and let him direct the play. If that was what he wanted.

I had too much on my plate anyway. Maybe I should find some time to visit home and get away from the glimmering gold of Astley Academy. Simply to remind myself this world was not the norm.

Steph was still soundly asleep as I entered the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My hollow expression stared back; the image slightly blurry. I put in my contacts and fixed my unruly hair.

I grabbed coffee on the way to the atrium where I was supposed to meet with Mrs Felicia and the rest of the kids who were a part of the play. We didn't know yet what the play was going to be. Every year, Mrs Felicia decided on a classical literature piece with a modern twist. Since we spent so much time this year studying Russian literature, I was looking forward to modern Crime and Punishment. I had so many ideas.

The only problem was that I had to deal with Josh. And after witnessing him and Chiara behind the school last night, I could barely look at him. No, I didn't dare think about what I saw. But I realised I couldn't afford drama. Not when I haven't even gotten over Maeve. The best thing to do for myself would be to simply let it go.

The atrium was full and the kids at the half-circle tables were almost asleep. Sun wasn't even completely up yet, but its timid, pinkish rays made me appreciate the position of the room. I made myself comfortable in the chair as Mrs Felicia cleaned the blackboard. Silence soothed me.

Coffee soothed me, too.

"Good morning, everyone." Mrs Felicia turned around, wearing a cute, dark purple outfit that made her eyes stand out. I could never bring myself to try to look good at 6AM.

I scanned the room; Josh wasn't here. I sighed, trying not to bury my face in my hands. The mere fact I had to work with the guy tired me.

"Now that everyone knows their roles, we can start talking about what exactly we'll be doing." Mrs Felicia wrote on the blackboard while I sipped my coffee. "Now, we've been doing a lot of Russian literature this year and I was wondering if you'd be interested in adapting it into a play."

"Romanticism or Realism?" Some brunette I didn't recognise asked.

"A modern day representation of Romanticism would be cool." Another girl jumped in.

"We should definitely decide which era we want to encompass." Mrs Felicia nodded. "I say we create a box for ideas and throw stuff inside until our next meeting. And then we'll see what is doable-"

Double wooden doors burst open. Staggering Josh entered. His hair was a mess, his shirt was buttoned wrongly and he dragged his feet one over the other as he walked.

He had zero shame, I thought as my face twisted into a disgusted grimace.

"Sorry I'm late." He murmured and threw himself in the chair, plastering a wide grin on his face. I noticed Mrs Felicia's throat bob, but she simply nodded.

This guy didn't care about this play, or about Mrs Felicia and the rest of us. I didn't know why he wanted the director spot, but I realised he only came for the title. Amazing, this guy was going to get all the praise and I would do all the work.

I suppressed a sigh, not wanting to talk to him at all.

The meeting was short, but it tired me to a worrying extent. The events from last night played out in my head every time I looked at Josh. Deciding on another coffee, I quickly grabbed my stuff before Mrs Felicia called for me.

"Jacqueline, can I talk to you for a moment?"

I hurried towards her, hoping it might be about replacing Josh with someone who was less of a prick. But her gaze was worried and far away.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you mind splitting your scriptwriter duties with Amanda? She was very sad that she didn't make it to the acting list." Mrs Felicia's eyes were so tired that I didn't find meaning in fighting her.

"Sure." I murmured as a cloud of sorrow settled over me.

Maybe I should just give up the play altogether. Obviously, my skills and knowledge weren't needed since everyone was able to do anything required.

I gathered my things and stormed out of the atrium and like a petty bitch, I slammed the door behind me. Bitter tears were about to burst from my eyes and I didn't want everyone in this damn school seeing me like that. So, I rushed to the bathroom, breathing deeply. I leaned over the sink and tried to calm my heartbeat.

But, as I looked in the mirror, I noticed someone on the floor behind me.

"Chiara?" I turned around, my breath hitching and my palms sweating. She was in her uniform, her hair rustled and her eyes bloodshot and empty. Dried tears decorated her cheeks. "What-what happened?" I came closer and kneeled on the ivory-coloured marbled floor.

A couple of tears stained her cheeks as her eyes met mine. I could smell alcohol vaporizing from her skin. Her mascara was smudged, her face was pale.


Blinding rage coursed through me.

"What happened?" I asked roughly, very near shaking her for answers. Protectiveness washed over me. Anger, bitterness, hatred. It was Josh. I knew it was Josh.

"Nothing." She let out a hoarse laugh. "Nothing."

"Chiara." I couldn't believe the command in my voice. Every fibre of my being wanted to shelter her from the world. All I could do was rage and beg her to tell me.

"Nothing happened." She shook her head. "Nothing that should worry you."

Everything I promised myself the night before disappeared as fast as it came. I was not letting this go, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. I didn't care what Steph and Bryan thought; this girl needed help. I had to help her.

"Tell me what to do." I was bold enough to spread out my hand and touch her cheek, erasing the small tear that rested there. I hoped it wasn't too much, I really hoped.

"Help me." Her green eyes met mine.

"I'll do anything." 

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