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This chapter is a bit longer, but it's mostly smut, you've been warned! 😂 Thanks so much for reading! ❤️

Josh's apology confused me. And to you, I apologize. But never to Chiara, I read between the lines. Why would he apologize to me, but never to Chiara?

"That was weird." I murmured; my voice losing its power. Truthfully, I was exhausted and overwhelmed. I felt the need to go back home, to my actual, family home, and spend a couple of days with my mom and dad.

"He's a manipulator." Chiara puffed, but she wasn't very convincing.

"What happened in Santa Monica?" I asked.

"You listened to that conversation?" Chiara turned to me, her eyes narrowing. Was she seriously mad at me?

"I overheard." I said. "Because you disappeared with your ex-boyfriend and I was worried, so I came looking for you."

"You were worried?" Chiara crossed her hands on her chest and I glanced at the empty black platter and back at her focused eyes. How much cocaine did she take? "Why were you worried? Because of him or because of me?"

"Because of him." I stuttered.

"Did you think he would try something?" Chiara let her hands loose, but she began to tap with her nails against the gilded vanity. Nervousness seeped off her, which in return made me anxious.

"Well, yes." The words scratched against my throat. Chiara pushed herself off the vanity and left the room, making my heart sink and my insides turn.

And I followed her, without a second thought. I feared she took too much cocaine. Not that I knew how much she took or how much was too much. I ran after her through the hallway, away from the living room and up the stairs.

"Chiara!" I hissed, not wanting to make a scene. The music from downstairs still reached my ears and I doubted anyone would hear me, but I kept my voice low. "Please, stop."

"You don't trust me!" She turned around on her heel, swinging in her silver shoes. Her hair fell all over her face and she pushed it away. Her green eyes were teary. The sight made me panic, like she was slipping through my fingers.


"And why would you trust me?!" She waved with her hands, a rough laugh stumbling off her tongue. The hallway we were in was dark and silent; the only light coming from downstairs.

"I don't trust Josh!" That was true.

"Bullshit." She let out a laugh. "Josh is nothing, you know Josh is nothing."

"Chiara, I trust you." My breath only hitched a little bit.

"Bull-shit!" She turned away from me again and pushed one of the doors open. As I tried to follow her, she slammed the door in my face and locked it.

I began to panic.

"Chiara, please." I tried to keep the panic out of my voice, but I heard it colouring the edges of my words. "Of course, I trust you. You know I trust you, I'm-"

I'm in love with you.

"Why would you trust me?!" She shouted. "I'm a fucking mess! It's no wonder everyone leaves me, why would anyone stay with me?"

Her words hurt me more than I expected. I leaned against the door, thinking of anything smart to say, anything comforting. I have told her so many times how I felt, how I couldn't stop thinking about her, how I didn't want to lose her. And it wasn't enough.

I wore my heart on my sleeve, without knowing how she felt about me. And I was tired of giving everything I had only to be accused of distrust.

"Chiara, open the door." I commanded, the strength returning to my voice.

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