Chapter 1

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(uh yes that's michael-)

Y/n: your name
Y/n/n: your nick name
Y/f: your father
Y/f/n: your friend's name
O/f/n: other friend's name

Sorry if your life isn't really like this I'm trying to write it as general as I can.
If you don't like this part of the story you can just skip it or imagine it however you want it :]

Also as I already said correct me...

On to the storyyyyyy

On to the storyyyyyy

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Third person's POV

It was a Friday around 2 pm when you were going back home from school.
You hated home, more specifically your family.
Your siblings (or if you don't have amy you can just ignore this sentence) recently moved out in another state for university.

And your parents? Well they're just trying to be normal, but of course when your father is an alcoholic it's hard.
Your mom is nice, if sometimes she was angry it was because she was stressed from work.

Your parents had fights often, and sometimes they'd get too violent to the point either you or your sibling had to interfere.

Your mother always tells you that you were sane and normal, of course you never believed her, but arguing with her about it was useless.

Tho it was a hard life, you always had your best friends, y/f/n and o/f/n. (I'm sorry if you don't have friends, you can talk to me if you want <3)
They always supported you whatever you did.

If you had to have a reason to go to school, it would be to see them.
To you, they were the most important thing in your life; you always felt like you needed to protect them at all costs. (I want to have a group of friends like the losers club :')

You've also promised each others that one day you would all live toghever!
Maybe that day isn't as far as you thought...

Y/n's POV

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