trans peter oneshot

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yes i have an obsession with this headcannon don't judge me :)

Peter POV
I tap my fingers nervously as I wait in my room, my breathing barely controlled as the recent events settle in. I really just came out to my dad. I've been itching to do this for two years now, but haven't gotten up the nerve to say the words "I'm trans" until now. Well I guess I still haven't said the words, I just handed him a letter I wrote explaining it all, but still- he knows now.

After handing him the letter I had scampered up to my room, my heart pounding as I fled. It's been about half an hour now and he's definitely read the letter so I'm getting anxious as time passes- why hasn't he come up yet? Or called me down? Maybe he isn't as accepting as I had been led to believe. Maybe I'm being kicked out now. I shouldn't have done this, why am I so stupid-

I'm brought out of my thoughts as the door opens. Tony stands there, hesitantly entering as I give him a nervous smile.

"Hey" I mumble, trying not to let my breath catch as the tears well up.

"Hey underoos. That was quite a letter you gave me." He says, and to my disdain, the tears start falling.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright, no need to cry bud. I'm not angry or anything, why don't you calm down and we can talk through all of this." He says gently, rubbing my back as I gasp for breath, trying to hold back my sobs.

After a few minutes I'm left sniffling but relatively better, and he says "There you go, see? Everything is alright. In the letter you said... you said you're transgender and you've known for a while now. How... how long have you known?" He asks, and I have to take a shaky breath as I remind myself he said he's not mad.

"Uh about 3 years? I think? Yeah, 3 years" I mumble, and he sighs.

"3 years? Okay, that's- that's longer than I thought. I'm sorry if you... if I didn't make you feel safe enough to tell me sooner." He says, and I smile, knowing right then that he's definitely accepting me.

"No no, you did, I was pretty sure you'd be cool about it, I just... I have anxiety, ya know?" I say, making him chuckle.

"Oh trust me, I know. Um okay, so you mentioned you'd like to medically transition, do you want to tell me a bit more about what that might look like for you?" He asks, and I nod.

"Uh y-yeah, so pretty much I- I need to go on testosterone. That's, that's like the most important one for me. Top surgery, I'd definitely like that but it's not a necessity, I can get by with wearing my binder-"

"sorry, what's a binder?" He asks, and I laugh.

"Sorry, a binder is a sort of tank top that flattens my... unwanted chest." I explain, and he nods. "I bough one off amazon a while ago but I should probably get a better quality one soon. Anyways, top surgery isn't a necessary thing, at least not right now. And then bottom surgery, that's not on my radar, I've looked into it but... it's risky and not worth it in my opinion." I explain, and my dad nods, seemingly following along pretty well.

"Okay, so let's do that then. I did look up a few quick things after reading your letter, I'm not very educated in this subject but based on what I found, and what you just described, we can easily make those things happen. Testosterone might be difficult, due to your altered DNA, but we can figure it out." He says, and I stare in shock.

Sure I had come out to him, but I wasn't expecting him to actually agree to let me transition. I break out into a grin, hugging Tony tightly.

"This is- wow. I- I don't even know what to say, thank you." I say, and he smiles, ruffling my hair.

"Of course kiddo, whatever it takes to make you happy and healthy. I noticed you didn't mention a name I should call you, assuming you don't want to go by Jessica anymore." He says, and I nod.

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