shark week

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- TW: dysphoria, periods, mentions of self harm, vague mentions of suicide

Peter POV

I wake up earlier than normal, feeling weird. Looking at the clock, I see it's only 5am. I groan, rolling over in my bed. I lay there for a bit, with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Eventually i stand up, feeling something warm drip down my upper thigh.

"What the..." I mumble, going to the bathroom.

My heart drops when I see the blood. 'Shit.' I whisper, searching my cabinets for anything I can use. I don't know why I expected there to be anything, I haven't bought supplies since this is my first period, and Mr.Stark doesn't know there's a need for sanitary products in my bathroom. 

I sit on the toilet, thinking of all my options. I can use toilet paper for now and go buy some pads, but then I risk bleeding through my pants. Considering my only other options are asking Nat or Wanda if they have anything, and that also means coming out to them, I decide to risk it.

After stuffing toilet paper in my boxers and throwing on some clothes, I waddle downstairs and across the street to the CVS. Thankfully they're open this early, although I'm the only one in there as I browse the aisle filled with pads and tampons.

'Why are there so many options?' I think before I just grab the least feminine looking one and walking to the counter. I pick up some chocolate and put it on the counter as well- I've heard it makes periods more bearable. 

The cashier looks at me weird and I lie, saying "girlfriend." He nods and I pay, walking back to the tower. I make it to the elevator and almost back to my room before running into Steve.

"H- hey, what are you doing up this early?" I ask, and he says "Just finished my run. You?" 

"Uh just had to pick something up from the store for a school project I'm working on today." I lie, and thankfully he buys it.

"Cool. Good luck with that." He says, and I nod, rushing to my room.

Once I figure out how to actually use a pad, I place one on my boxers and get back into my pajamas, keeping my binder on. There's no way I'm doing anything today, I can just tell it will be a bad dysphoria day.

I lay back in bed, scrolling through tiktok and twitter for a few hours, and the pain in my abdomen gets increasingly worse. Eventually it hurts to move, and I'm laying in an awkward position just to try and alleviate the pain. My breathing is labored and my binder isnt helping either. I would take advil or something, but those don't work because of my stupid metabolism. 

"Peter, your heart rate is elevated and you seem to be in pain. I am alerting Mr.Stark" FRIDAY says, and I groan.

"No, don't tell him. I'm fine Fri." I say, and the AI responds "I am required to report any unstable vitals. Mr.Stark is on his way.

"Fuck," I whisper, groaning as I move back into a less awkward position, making my cramps even worse. At this point I might throw up from the pain.

There's a knock at my door and Mr.Stark appears in the doorway, looking worried. "Peter? You okay?" He asks, coming in and sitting on my bed.

"Y- Yeah, I'm fine." I say as best I can, probably not convincing him very well.

"Uh huh. So, why are you all sweaty and look like you might pass out?" He asks, and I groan in response as my abdomen flares up. Cramps fucking suck.

"Friday, do a complete body scan. What's wrong with Peter?" He says, and I mumble "no, don't," but of course Friday doesn't listen.

"He appears to be suffering from severe menstrual cramps, causing the increase in heart rate and lightheadedness." Friday reports, and I groan. I just got outted by an AI.

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