ice cream

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Peter POV
I'm cuddling with my boyfriend on the couch since no one is home for the afternoon. I'm not out to my family yet, so it's not often we get to cuddle in my living room- usually we go to Harley's house for date nights.

"Your skin is so soft" I mumble, making Harley laugh as he shifts closer to me.

"Pay attention to the movie darling." He scolds teasingly, despite us watching Mamma Mia, which we've both seen nearly 100 times.

"I only like paying attention to you" I reply, smiling as Harley leans down and kisses me softly.

"That's sweet." He whispers before pressing his lips against mine again, making me whine when he pulls away.

"Well... this is a surprise." Tony says from the doorway, making me jump away from Harley as I blush madly.

"Uh... Wh-why aren't you in Tokyo?" I ask, starting shake with anxiety. There's no way Tony will let me stay at the tower now, especially not if he saw us kissing.

"Meeting got cancelled, I came back early, thought I could surprise you with some ice cream. I can see you're clearly surprised, but I don't think it's the ice cream." He says, chuckling at his own joke.

I just stare at him anxiously for a moment, unsure of what to say until Harley speaks up.

"Hello sir, I'm Harley Keener." He says, making me blush even more as Tony goes to shake his hand.

"Ah, I know you. I crashed into your family's shed a few years ago, you helped me out. I didn't know you were in the city now. I also didn't know you were dating my intern but I guess today is full of surprises." He says, and I blanche- Tony KNOWS my boyfriend??? I'm at a loss for words. And he definitely knows I'm gay now.

"Oh yeah, I remember that! I honestly thought it was a wild dream from when I was younger but I guess not!" Harley replies, not at all concerned about the fact that my da- Tony just saw us kissing. "My sister and I moved to the city two years ago, for her work." Harley explains.

"Ah well I'll have to meet her sometime. Peter, why haven't I met your boyfriend before? He's lovely." Tony says, making me blush more and attempt to stutter out something that resembles a sentence.

Thankfully Harley comes to my rescue.

"Well we're both always so busy, it's hard to find a good time for anything these days. Speaking of which, I have work in ten minutes so I really should get going. It was nice meeting you again, Mr. Stark." Harley says, and I give him a pleading look. I know he doesn't have work, he specifically told me he has today off.

"Yes, nice seeing you Harley!" Tony calls as Harley collects his things and goes down the elevator.

It's quiet as Tony looks at me for a moment before saying "I didn't know you like boys."

"That's because I didn't tell you." I reply shortly, more than a little upset at how today is going. I wasn't ready for Tony to know I'm gay, let alone meet Harley.

"Okayyyy. I can see you're upset. Can you explain why?" He asks, and I shrug, avoiding eye contact.

"It's just... not how I wanted this to go. I had the expectation that I would just tell you on my own time, when I was ready. and now... I can't." I explain, and Tony nods.

"I'm sorry Peter, if it makes you feel any better I would have come in the back way had I known you had company over. I never meant to walk in on you two, or make you uncomfortable. For the record though, I don't mind that you like guys. I like them too kid, no hate or disgust from me whatsoever." Tony says, and I stare at him. I didn't know he liked men.

"It's okay, can't change it now. Just... thanks for being so cool about it. And for not killing Harley." I say, smiling a little.

"Hey, he gets a free pass since he let me crash in his shed a while back. If he breaks your heart though... he's a dead man." Tony says, making me laugh.

"Yeah, you definitely need to tell me that story." I say, smiling as I hug Tony.

"Maybe over some ice cream?" He suggests, holding up the bag with several pints of my favorite ice cream flavors.

"Heck yeah." I exclaim, reaching for the mint chip as Tony goes to grab spoons.

a/n- guess who's back bitches

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