Chapter 20

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" I am pregnant," I hear her say through the screen

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" I am pregnant," I hear her say through the screen. My heart starts to race, and I just froze, trying to digest what I just heard a few.minutes passed before I could collect myself again "Sorry, can you repeat that? I think I have a bad connection, or it's pretty late and I'm just hearing things," I said, stuttering.

"Jason, I am pregnant, and you are going to be a father," she says loud and clear through the screen. Now I know I'm not hallucinating. "Wait, if you're in the hospital, what's happening? Are you both ok???" fear in my tone present and loud?

"Well, I was out to dinner earlier with Allison, and I was having a lot of pain, I started to bleed, so she brought me here to make sure we are ok; after the doctor said we are fine, they checked the ultrasound, and everything looks fine don't worry we are doing ok they are fine and nothing out of the ordinary, I was just moving too much at work, and the placenta ruptured a little to cause the bleeding, so I was told to take it easy" I answered seeing a little relief in his face then his eyes widen again.

" Ok, I'm still driving there right now; I'm only an hour away. I will be fine." I said, taking her no for an answer. "Wait, did you say they?" looking back, confused through the screen. "umm, yea, They, it's twins, surprise!" I say in the worse joke tone ever.

"Oh, My God, twins! Do they know what kind??" I asked curiously, but I'm smiling; I feel my heart racing, and it's pumping out of my chest.

"Not yet, but wait, aren't you a little freaked out after hearing this? Am I the only one freaking out then? But this little rupture does make this pregnancy a bit more complicated, not to mention that there are 2 babies instead of just one, so I'm a little worried," she says timidly.

"Freaking out? Heck NO! shocked sure I am, but I already told you, Maria, I have never stopped caring for you and Luke; I Love You," I say confidently, and I see her eyes misty "You don't need to worry I will do anything you want to help you. Still, please tell me you and Luke will come up to New York; baby, this is getting ridiculous. You're pregnant with our twins; I can't do anything if you're in California. If you are worried about your parents, I'll buy them a place in the city, or they can visit anytime. I'll even pay for their tickets, and if you want, we can send Luke to Matt's parents during the summers so they can spend time with him, or hell, they can come to visit us up here. I'll pay that too; just please tell me you'll be with me so I can take care of all of you." Desperation in my voice, and I didn't even care because I meant every single word.

"Let's talk more about them when you come tomorrow, ok?" she answers. "screw tomorrow, baby, I have my shoes on, and my bag packed; I will head down there now, ok; what room are you in?" I say with determination. " Jason, I already told you everything is fine, so there's no need. It's the middle of the night," she pleads.

"Maria, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm hardheaded," I say, grinning at her beautiful face on my screen.

I hang up the phone, and I check out of the hotel; I get into my car, and I start my drive, I did my best not to speed, but everything I just found out about it was hard not to drive with excitement, I was going to be a dad, and I would do anything for Maria and Luke to be here with me permanently I would get home and we can all be together, I am going to marry her, and we are going to raise a family full of love and passion if only her stubbornness would accept it all.

She was now not going to get rid of me easily, I didn't even want to let her go the first time, but it would have been selfish for me to do so, But feeling the rush of emotions I felt on the drive to her was overwhelming knowing that she was carrying my children made me the happiest I have ever been. I got to think about Luke being a big brother made me smile, first things first though I was thinking of a way to make sure she and Luke were going to move up here because I will be a useless mess if she was going to go through this pregnancy without me in California.

Once I got to the hospital, I headed in, trying to find the room number she gave me. Once I reached her room, I peeked in to see her lying in bed, lightly snoring. I smile at the sight of her lying there; I walked in and sat beside her, and she wakes up to the movement. "oh, I'm sorry, baby," I apologized softly, brushing her hair back behind her ear, and she sleepily nuzzles next to me.

"Hmm, you made it," saying it so softly it was like a whisper. "baby, nothing would have stopped me, I missed you so much, and I haven't stopped loving you," I said as I leaned in to give her a kiss on her lips. "I love you too," she said back, and my heart started to race, and then my eyes got watery.

"You don't understand how much I wanted to hear those words from you, I'm going to love you, Luke, and these little ones for the rest of my life," looking into her eyes. "you sure? It's not going to overwhelm you? Or burden you?" she says meekly.

"Are you kidding me? All I want is you next to me, Luke will be an awesome big brother, and I'm going to make you my wife whether it be now or later, but it's happening I'm not going anywhere; you, Luke, and these 2 are going to be my team, and the most important team to me hands down, and now you can't get rid of me" I grin at her making her laugh.

"I wouldn't want to get rid of you silly, I did talk to everyone back home, they know about Luke and me moving up here, and they are excited for us."

"You did? when?" He looks at me curiously" well, I spoke to Michelle and my family this morning about it after I was offered a position here. Good thing I did, too, because I just thought one baby was going to be rough. Apparently, you overshared, and we have 2 in here that I'm baking" she chuckles" Well, what can I say? Twins run in the family," he says cheekily and then reaches down to my belly with proud eyes" I can see that, and your sister said the same when we found out I'm showing a bit, but I'm only going to get bigger" she says and cringes as she looks at her belly self consciously.

"Don't you worry that you are going to be carrying twins? I'm sure you will be radiant even if you don't think so, and Good baby, don't worry about work too much, ok, I don't want you stressing about it; these babies and Luke are our priority," I say, rubbing her cheek.

"Jason, I'm not worried I got offered a job here, but I promise I will take it easy, but yes Luke and I will come up here; the doctor said I would be ok enough to fly back by the time I'm done helping here, I just need to tie up a few things there with work and Luke's school. I'm keeping the house in California since it's paid off, and we can use it whenever we go to visit.

"Matt's parents will lookout and maintain it for me, and I'll pay them for the help, and they are happy with the arrangement, and they say hello" she smiles. "great, please tell them I say hello as well and my offer still stands whenever you or Luke miss them I will fly them up I promise," I say with a warm smile. She starts to fall back asleep, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Well, the first step was decided next step Marriage, now how will I do that? Asking myself as I listened to her lightly snoring in my ear.

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