Chapter 5: I Love You

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David's POV

I looked around Mario's room while he was sleeping. Okay that kinda sounds bad now that I think about it. I was just curious since he doesn't let me in his room. I've been roommates with this guy for a month now and I don't know anything about him. It was oddly simple and he didn't have any photos or posters hanging up. He also didn't have much besides his bed, desk, and wardrobe, if I could even call it that. He hardly had any clothes in it and the clothes he did had were mostly t-shirts and jeans. Don't get me for wrong, he always looks adorable in his normal outfits, but he deserves to have something fancy and cute. I soon heard a soft groan and saw Mario sitting up. I smiled and walked over to him saying, "Well hello there sleeping beauty."

"What time is it?" he asked tiredly.

"Almost two."

"What?! I missed classes! Why the hell didn't you wake me up?!" he yelled, getting up.

"Because you needed the sleep. Don't worry, I informed the teachers and let them know what happened so you're excused."

"I still missed my classes!"

"It's just one class, it's not the end of the world." He glared at me but I just found it cute. "You know you're cute when you try to be mad."

He blushed bright and stuttered, "C-Cute?"

"Oh, let me rephrase that. You look cuter when you're mad." He blushed even more and I couldn't help but chuckle. I walked towards and grabbed him by his waist. He was about a foot shorter than me but since he had a small frame built, it made him look much smaller and very frail. I cupped one of his cheeks looking into his beautiful oxyn eyes, smiling. His hands rested against my chest as his blush became brighter. He was so cute.

"U-Umm, D-David?"


"C-Can you l-let m-me go?"

"Mmm. . . no." I went down to his neck and smelt his sweet scent. I breathed on his neck, making him shiver. I laughed a bit and pulled away, seeing his face bright red. "You're so cute."

"Sh-Shut up."

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and lead him out of his room.

"H-Hey! Where are we going?!"

"Shopping. Saw your things and you need something cute."

"Wait, you went through my stuff!"

"Just your clothes. Now come on." I lead him out of the dorms and to the parking lot. I stopped in front of my car and opened the door for him.

 I stopped in front of my car and opened the door for him

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