Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Ritchie's POV

I watched David pacing back and forward as we waited for the doctor. His mate, Mario, was severely wounded and was bleeding out. He was know with our pack doctor, in critical condition. We haven't head anything and David was panicking. "I should be in there! Why won't they let me see him?!"

"Because they need to take care of him David and they can't if you're in there worrying," Brandon stated, calmly.

"You would be worrying too if it was Devin in there!" he snapped back at me.

I sighed and said, "You're right. I would but you know he is in good hands so just take a deep breath and relax." David looked at me for a moment before taking a deep breath in and out, calming down a bit. "Better?"

"A bit," he mumbled.

"It will be okay David," Brandon told him. Just then a woman with long blonde hair and black rounded glasses walked out of the room where Mario was being kept.

David ran up to her and quickly asked, "How is he?!"

"He'll be fine David. He just needs a little bit of rest. You can go in if you wa-." She didn't even get to finish as David ran right past her, locking the door. "Well... at least he was nicer."

"Thank you Ms. Prendergast. We really appreciate your help," I said, thankfully.

"It was my pleasure. These boys were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." I nodded agreeing. "Well if that's all then I'll be on my way. Take good care of them." She left and I sighed, making my way to my room, where I had Devin resting. I opened the door seeing him sleeping peacefully in my bed.

I went over and sat next to him, brushing his hair with my fingers gently

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I went over and sat next to him, brushing his hair with my fingers gently. I could see him relax and I couldn't help but smile. Though my smile soon faded. I felt so bad that he got caught in the crossfire. I wish we were more careful. But now that he's here, I can protect him. I have to protect him at all cost, now that they know who he is. I'll make sure he's safe at all cost. I kissed his forehead, laying next to him and pulled him closer to me. He nuzzled into my chest like a kitten, making me smile. He's my cute little kitty.

Brandon's POV

I sat in my room, watching the auburn haired boy as he laid in my bed. His sweet scent filling my room. It smelt like mangos and honey. I honestly was enjoying his scent. The imagine of how he was when I saw him fighting Blake flashed through my mind. He looked so different and felt... off. I couldn't place my finger on it. As I was in deep thought, I suddenly heard him start to wake up. I got up and looked at him as he opened his eyes. "Where am I...?" he groaned.

"You're in my room." He jolted up and looked at me with a combination of fear and anger.

"W-Who the hell are you?!" he yelled, trying to hide his fear. It hurt to see him look so scared of me.

I spoke softly, trying to calm him down, "Relax. I'm not a threat. My brothers and I found you and your friends being chased by some people and helped. You ended up passing out," I mean, it was technically the truth. I couldn't exactly tell him everything since it could scare him even more.

"Oh my god! Devin and Mario!" He tried to get up but I pushed him down gently back into the bed.

"They're okay. They just need some rest. Same as you."

"How can I trust you?! For all I know, you could you the ones chasing us!" He does make a fair point.

"I'm not."

"I don't believe you! Now let me go-." I gently grabbed his arm, cutting him off and let my eyes shine gold. He froze as he stared at me in shock. "Y-You're that wolf...."

"I am and that branch you hit me with hurt like hell."


"Look, your friends are safe. They're being cared for right now. You need some rest as well." He looked at me cautiously. "Would it make you feel better if you know my name?" He slowly nodded. "I'm Brandon Diablous. I believe we go to the same school. What's your name?"

"... L-Lucas...." I smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you Lucas. Now rest." He laid down and the moment his head landed on the pillow, he past out. Lucas huh? What a cute name.

David's POV

I sat next to Mario and brushed his hair softly. His soft facial features were relaxed. He looked so peaceful for someone that went thought something bad. I held his hand and kissed it. He got hurt because I wasn't quick enough. If only I had been faster then he wouldn't have gotten hurt. I sighed. "I'm so sorry Mario."

Micheal's POV

I walked down an alley with Eden as he made sure we weren't being followed. We stopped at a rusted door and I knocked on it. A voice behind it asked, "Password?"

"Dracodus." The sound of locks being opened came from behind the door, and it opens. We both walked in and headed down a flight of stairs where another door with a keypad was. Eden input the code and the door opened. We head inside and entered the hideout. "Are you sure we shouldn't tell Devin?" Eden shook his head.

"We aren't bringing him into this. He would get kill." I sighed. I didn't exactly believe that but I knew Eden didn't want Devin to get hurt.

"Very well. We better get to work then." I headed inside a room and turned on the lights, revealing walls covered with weapons.

"Divinus Magia will learn why happens when they kill members of Grimshade."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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