Chapter 8: A Watery Fight

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Lucas's POV

This damn wolf was still dragging me through the woods and I'm still trying to get out from its grip! "Seriously! Let me go!" I gave another pull to try and free myself but to no avail. Everytime I try to pull my arm free, it tightens it's hold in my sleeve. Now I'm usually against hitting animals but with the fact the my friends are in danger and a wolf is kidnapping me, probably going to eat me, I think this is an exception. I started hitting the wolf on the head while trying to pull out of its grip on my sleeve. Unfortunately, it didn't work and I think it just gave me an annoyed look. Well sorry if I'm trying to go save my friends and you're basically kidnapping me! I needed a different plan since hitting it with my bare hands isn't doing anything. That's when I saw a stick laying on the ground. I quickly grabbed it and said, "Sorry." I swung the stick down as hard as I could. Next thing I knew, I heard a loud yelp and I fell back on the ground, free at last. I looked and saw the wolf shaking its head. I knew that I needed to get out here before it came at me so I quickly got up, still holding the stick, and ran. I didn't bother looking behind me in fear that I would see an angry wolf chasing me. I kept running and running, not having any idea on where the hell I was going. My legs and lungs burned but I never slowed down. I just kept running. I soon saw light up ahead and ran even faster, screaming, "HELP!!! SOMEONE!!!" I suddenly tripped over my own feet and fell into a river, landing on my arm and heard a crack, making me yell in pain. I think I broke my arm. I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath and get up, but I was then pinned to the ground by someone and the sound of a gun click right next to my head.

"Stay down," a female voice said, "or else I'll kill you." Nononono, I am not going to die especially when Mario and Devin are still out there. I I kicked the female off me and got up. I was about to run again when I heard a loud bang.

No One's POV

The female pulled the trigger and fired at Lucas but he was never hit by it. Instead, a wall of water stood in front of his and the bullet was inside the water. "What in the. . .." The female stared in shock and looked at Lucas but he wasn't the same. His auburn hair had streaks of dark blue in it. His violent-blue eyes were noe golden with blue pupils. Blue markings covered his body and a blue jewel laid on the center of his forehead. He looked at the female but it soon turned into a glare.

"Water bolt!" A bolt of water zoomed towards the female, hitting her in the chest. She fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

'So he has magic. Well two can play at this game.' She jumped up and threw a lightning bolt at Lucas. Lucas dodged it and shot another water bolt at her. She telportated out of the way, landing in a tree and struck him with a lightening bolt. He screamed out in pain, falling to his knees. She jumped down and looked at him. "Give up?" Lucas slowly get up to his feet, swaying a bit and glares right at her. Blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. The woman was suddenly grabbed by what looked to be water chains and pulled her to the ground.

"Hey! Let me go!" Lucas turned and looked at her, speaking. Venom and pain clear in his voice.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Liar!" The chains tighten around her. "Now I'll ask again! Where are they?!"

"Let. Me! GO!" She let out a burst of lighting down the river striking Lucas. The chains disappeared and he scream out in agonizing pain, falling to the ground. The woman stood up and looked at him. This has gone on long enough. Just as she was about to strike him down, a sphere of water encased her, trapping her in place. Lucas spoke once again, but this time his voice was different. Almost as if it wasn't here.

"Nice try girly." He got up to his feet with ease. Almost as if that lightening hadn't hurt him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have people to find." He turned and started to walk away when a sudden wall of fire stopped him.

"Release her now and I might consider letting you live." Lucas let out a laugh and looked at the person who made the wall of fire. A young blond haired female with blue eyes glared at him as fire wings came off her back.

"You should know that you should've ran."

"And why is that?"

"Because fire is weak to water." Spheres of water slowly rose from the river as Lucas's eyes glowed brightly. "I look forward to fighting you."

"Whoever said that I was fighting you?" the blond asked, smiling. Lucas was then knocked out from behind. Before he hit the ground, a pair of arms caught him and picked him up. "You shouldn't have let him get away so easily. He could've hurt us or worse, himself."

"Sorry Kit. He's a lot stronger than he looks."

"Did they get the others yet?"

"They did but we need to get Ms. P immediately."

"What? Why?"

"Because one of them is badly injured."

"I'll alert her straight away. Get him inside and make sure he doesn't attack anyone again."

"Don't forget who the leaders are."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get him inside Brandon."

"Don't need to tell me twice." He walked toward the large mansion, holding Lucas tightly, yet gently, in his arms. When he got inside, he went to his room and laid him down in his bed, pulling the blanket over him. He softly brushed his hair that was now back to normal and a small smile appeared. "I finally found you. My luna."

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