Chapter One

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I looked at the "Bring me Ella" album in my hands. this album was named after me and I was lost. I hadn't even expected him to remember me, let alone name an album after me.

I knew it was named after me as soon as I saw it, why else would he name it "Bring me Ella"?  I mean he always used to tease me about how when he became 'famous' his first album would be called Bring Me Ella, but I never took him seriously because I guess I never understood what he felt behind the name.

Which was what brought me here. After discovering the release i tried to find a store that had it available. Needing somewhere to think I came to the only place I could. Moe's coffee shop, my home away from home. Everyone knew everyone here in this small town- I found comfort at this one place that seemed to bring different passer by on the daily. 

My phone startled me as it began to ring, looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" "Ella? Ella go home, get online and search up his name. I know you probably are busy but you need to go right now." Ericka's voice rushed in a hurried panic. "Whats wrong? Did something happen?"

"No but yes, just go home." I could hear the importance drip off her tongue as she tried to hurry me along.

"Alright alright I will head home." Placing the tip on the table and paying I walked out that coffee shops doors.

Who knew that everything would change after that?


As soon as I got home I walked inside in no hurry, I set down my belongings and searched up his name. The first headline made my heart drop.

"Cody Brown hometown visit?"

Knowing somewhere in  Queen Creek Arizona he was walking around sent chills down my spine. He was never bad to me, or did anything wrong- its how we... I ended things before he left.

What if our paths cross once more?

Will he hate me or will we go back to as we were before he.. gained the fame and fortune?

Once my head cleared I reached foe my phone and called Ericka, not exactly sure at what i was going to say.

"What did I see?" She picked up in a heartbeat, knowing our fall out she cared. "I don't know....what did you see?" Was all i could get out.

Silence followed before I spoke again. "Why now?"

"Ella........I know you feel awkward and broken by what happened  but what if you see him again? I think he remembers you. The album can't be a coincidence." I shook my head even though she couldn't see it, "I doubt that he remembers me.." I lied.

"It could be any Ella that he's met. He's probably already got a girlfriend." I curled my legs up onto the couch. "Ella, You know that's not true, i can tell when your lying." "Jus-" "You never know Ella, he could come back for you."

The idea came to my head as soon as she said it, followed by curiosity and hope.

What if Ericka was right?

"Ella, I have to go now, good bye sweetie."  She hung up, I stared up at the blank phone screen where i got the news. I stared in silence until my dog walked up to me, laying her head on my lap. "Now what girl? A man I used to know, who we had a falling out who may possibly remember, what am I supposed to do?" She looked at me with soft eyes. I looked into her eyes, i wish dogs could talk. Then you would know what they wanted or where saying. Maybe they had some wisdom us humans don't have.

My heart said ti make mends, my dogs eyes seemed to agree.

"Best to face him? Girl, you better not be lying to me........" I got up grabbing my shoes and keys, fixing my hair and making sure i was presentable.

I left the apartment heading to the car. "Was I just talking to a dog?" I asked myself giving a soft smile. driving to the place Cody was seen. At least... according to the internet.


I pulled up at the small park, was i ready to face him? If i was honest, not one bit. Did i have to make things right? I had too.

Sighing  i got out of the car and walked the park, it was fairly small and among a small neighborhood. I wouldn't call it a park, more like an over sized lawn- but when you live in Arizona you get what you get.

I hadn't gone to this specific park in years- since he went to college that is. We had some fun times- but i hope he doesn't remember me, in a sad kind of way.

I sat on a bench and thought about how he and i even met- seeing as there was no luck here i took time to think to myself.


"Hey, my names Cody, yours?" I looked up at the brown haired icy blue eyed boy that was talking to me.

"Isabella, people call me Ella." I responded cheerfully. "Smooth move Mr. Love machine!!" I heard one of his friends yell across the science lab. My cheeks flushed a bright red. I hated when a cute guy talked to me. What was it a sick joke? No cute guy talked to me. He seemed shaken and embarrassed by the comment from his friends but he shook it off.

"I uh- wanted to know if you wanted umm, to be my lab partner for the year?" He asked rubbing his neck, I looked at him, his eyes piercing into my eyes. "Sure, I need one so, why not? As long as I don't end up doing all the work." I teased.

I've never seen a persons eyes light up that bright since my little brother was born. I saw his hair bob when i said yes, his hair was fairly long, styled into a small little upward swoosh, cute in a non creepy way.

"Thanks! Umm, see you Tuesday?" He asked. "Yeah, see you." I waved to him as he left the lab. I stared at him until he left, once he had left i noticed the butterflies in my stomach. I sighed, returning to my work. immediately

*End of flashback*

"E-Ella?" I heard a mans voice call my name.I immediately knew who that voice belonged to and froze.

What were the odds? I thought i had some luck, guess not.

"Ella? Is that you?" Repeating himself, the mans voice became louder as they came close to me. I looked up at the face I was hoping and also dreading to see. I looked up to see the same icy blue eyes that melted my heart, all that time ago.

"Hey... Cody." I hesitated, my voice taking a nervous shake to it.

His arms were quickly wrapped around my small body and I was lifted into the air. His voice tickled my neck a he whispered into my neck, "I've waited so long to see you, to tell you I've missed you." I blushed at his words he told me.

He really missed me. Even after...

He set me down to hug me more, he ignored the stares we earned from the people and kids and the park. And so did I.

To be honest with myself, I missed these hugs.

Bring me Ella #JustWriteIt #FreashStartWhere stories live. Discover now